Well just like to let everyone know we have finally finished our Demo of Children of Sivara. After 6 months development from a premise to testing various games engines and 3D modelling programs. We have a one level demo which is 400megs and only runs on fast puters 2gig and up. So we wont be posting the demo anytime in the near future. Sorry guys. In the next week I will be posting in game shots. We have a good mixture of cut scene and playability is good. As it was done on a government grant to further media and technology we did have a set deadline and thanks to a hard working dedicated team we only delivered about 3 days late. Those working on other games in other engines are still working so we did good. We do now have however a great pitch package consisting of premise, schedules, demo level, AI and even an user manual, so we now have our fingers crossed that we can find an investor or publisher to make it a reality. Personal experience wise DBPRO has been a great development tool... So a big thanks to Lee and everyone involved with DB. Be it from a patch to a question..this site has saved our bacon a few times.
From here we get to present our project to "The industry" in late August. Unfortunatley Western Australia doesnt have that big of an industry. At worse we a hoping that it will create enough interest to find more grant money to start on a new project. So keep plugging away at your projects guys... there is always hope...
Mark Alfonsi
Ex-Project Manager "Children of Sivara"
There's no u in TEAM, so bugger off!!!
--Twin P4 Xeon 2.0 Ghz, GeForce Quadro4 XGL 128MB, 1Gb DDR RAM, 19" Flat Screen--