so im making my game and got the physics and everything the way i want but when i start it im like a inch tall.
the only way i know is to have a circle be the player and if i make it bigger i dont get bigger (taller) i put the importnt code here, if anyone knows how to fix this it would be great. all i need is to be taller and be able to go up stairs.
Postion camera
dbPositionCamera( dbObjectPositionX(2),dbObjectPositionY(2),dbObjectPositionZ(2) );
dbRotateCamera( dbObjectAngleX(2),dbObjectAngleY(2),dbObjectAngleZ(2) );
if ( firstPerson == 1 )
dbPitchCameraDown( 0 );
dbMoveCamera( 0 );
dbSetCameraRange ( 0.5f, 30000 );
make player
dbMakeObjectSphere( 2,15 );
dbPositionObject( 2, -80,30,30 );
SC_SetupObject( 2,0,1 );
move player
dbYRotateObject( 2,dbObjectAngleY(2) + dbMouseMoveX()/3.0f );
dbXRotateObject( 2,dbObjectAngleX(2) + dbMouseMoveY()/3.0f );
float oldx = dbObjectPositionX(2);
float oldy = dbObjectPositionY(2);
float oldz = dbObjectPositionZ(2);
//apply gravity, and user changes to movement
float angy = dbObjectAngleY(2);
vx = 0;
vz = 0;
//if player is jumping or falling then apply 'normal' gravity
//if not attempt to keep the player stuck to the floor
if ( vy == 0 && jumptimer == 0 ) vy = vy + 10*gravity;
else vy = vy + gravity;
if (dbRightKey() == 1 ) { vx = vx + dbCos(angy); vz = vz - dbSin(angy); }
if (dbLeftKey() == 1 ) { vx = vx - dbCos(angy); vz = vz + dbSin(angy); }
if (dbDownKey() == 1 ) { vx = vx - dbSin(angy); vz = vz - dbCos(angy); }
if (dbUpKey() == 1 ) { vx = vx + dbSin(angy); vz = vz + dbCos(angy); }
//only jump if on ground, and a certain time after last jump
if ( ground == 1 )
if ( dbSpaceKey () == 1 && jumptimer == 0 )
vy = vy + 3.0f;
jumptimer = 10;
//this would be the player's final position without collision
float x = oldx + vx;
float y = oldy + vy;
float z = oldz + vz;
int collide = SC_SphereCastGroup( 1, oldx,oldy,oldz, oldx,oldy+vy,oldz, radius,0 );
if ( collide > 0 )
//how flat is this ground
float ny = SC_GetCollisionNormalY();
if ( dbAbs(ny) > slope )
//FLAT, stick
oldy = SC_GetStaticCollisionY();
//STEEP, slide
x = x - oldx; z = z - oldz;
oldx = SC_GetCollisionSlideX();
oldy = SC_GetCollisionSlideY();
oldz = SC_GetCollisionSlideZ();
x = x + oldx; z = z + oldz;
//ny#<0 means the player has hit a ceiling rather than a floor
if ( ny > slope )
//only on ground if standing on flat ground
ground = 1;
vy = 0;
ground = 0;
//if player has hit a flat ceiling then stop vy# movement
if ( ny < -slope ) vy = gravity;
//nothing below player, not on ground, add vertical speed to player
oldy = oldy + vy;
ground = 0;
//jumptimer will decrease only when player is back on ground
//creates a pause between two successive jumps
if ( ground == 1 && jumptimer > 0 ) jumptimer--;
//handle horizontal movement as sliding
//player only collides with group 1 (level) objs and moves freely through others
collide = SC_SphereSlideGroup( 1, oldx,oldy,oldz, x,oldy,z, radius,0 );
if ( collide > 0 )
//if hit, reposition player, halt movement vector
x = SC_GetCollisionSlideX();
oldy = SC_GetCollisionSlideY();
z = SC_GetCollisionSlideZ();
vx = 0;
vz = 0;
//possible code for giving the player a jumping help up stairs...
//might be useful if slope# is set very high but stairs are still required
//dy = oldy - SC_GetStaticCollisionY()
//if ( dy < slope && dy > 0 && ground == 1 ) vy = 0.5;
//position the player
dbPositionObject( 2,x,oldy,z );
SC_UpdateObject( 2 );
sorry its a lot of code.