Oops, try this instead:
sync on
x = 320
y = 10
line 121,74,318,143:line 84,169,458,169:line 532,170,80,305
ink rgb(255,255,255),0:line x,y,x,y-10:oldx = x:oldy = y
if point(x-1,y) > 0 then y = y - 1 ; stairl = 1
if point(x+1,y) > 0 and stairl = 0 then y = y - 1 ; stairr = 1
if point(x,y+1) < 1 and stairr = 0 and stairl = 0 then y = y + 1
if leftkey()=1 then x = x - 1
if rightkey()=1 then x = x + 1
ink 0,0
stairr = 0:stairl = 0
line oldx,oldy,oldx,oldy-10
EDIT: Use the code snippet box instead of the code window. The code window does not have the correct code.
"Computers in the future may weigh no more then
1.5 tons.
- Popular Mechanics, 1949