Okay, I did some research, and I think I understand the FVF business a bit better.
The 274 magic does work, though. The "default" of 338 for imported objects is no good. (The calculator below reveals the 274 value to be convert object fvf object, 0x002 || 0x010 || 0x100.)
I put this together to try to understand the FVF hex math. It's an FVF calculator, which lets you add up your constants and see what you're getting. It can also try to break down an FVF value into its likely set of constants used for its construction.
` FVF constants - with value returned by Matrix1 plugin Get FVF Limb
#constant FVF_XYZ = 0x002 `2 untransformed vertex - discludes FVF_XYZRHW
#constant FVF_XYZRHW = 0x004 `4 tranformed vertex - discludes FVFXYZ and FVF_NORMAL
#constant FVF_XYZB1 = 0x006 `6 position data and weighting values for vertex blending matrix calcs
#constant FVF_XYZB2 = 0x008 `8
#constant FVF_XYZB3 = 0x00a `10
#constant FVF_XYZB4 = 0x00c `12
#constant FVF_XYZB5 = 0x00e `338
#constant FVF_NORMAL = 0x010 `16 vertex normal
#constant FVF_PSIZE = 0x020 `32 vertex point size
#constant FVF_DIFFUSE = 0x040 `64 vertex diffuse color
#constant FVF_SPECULAR = 0x080 `128 vertex specular color
#constant FVF_TEX0 = 0x000 `338 Number of texture coordinate sets for vertex, 1 - 8
#constant FVF_TEX1 = 0x100 `256
#constant FVF_TEX2 = 0x200 `512
#constant FVF_TEX3 = 0x300 `768
#constant FVF_TEX4 = 0x400 `1024
#constant FVF_TEX5 = 0x500 `1280
#constant FVF_TEX6 = 0x600 `1536
#constant FVF_TEX7 = 0x700 `1792
#constant FVF_TEX8 = 0x800 `2048
(Cagedrei's FVF notes)
FVF value is an integer, calculated by specifying FVF constants combined using the bitwise or operation.
The FVF value of the the DBP primitives is 274.
The "default" FVF (covered in Make Memblock From Mesh documentation) is 338.
FVF_XYZ || FVF_NORMAL || FVF_DIFFUSE plus U and V are contained in the default settings.
An imported object will have these defaults applied
FVF_TEX0 can be added to any combination of other constants without altering the total.
FVF integer values can be acquired using Matrix1 Get Limb FVF() or DKAVM's DK Get Object FVF().
FVF values can be set as integer using Convert Object FVF. Most values represent unique combinations
(except for the addition of FVF_TEX0), but some do not. If either FVF_XYZB5 or FVF_TEX0 is set using
Convert Object FVF with the integer value, the object is converted to the 338 default, as shown by checking
with the plugin tools mentioned above. The value of 14 can be returned by multple combinations. In these two
cases (and others which may not represent unique values), the values should be explicated using the hex values.
http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?t=548692 (Combination code)
dim fvf(20)
dim fvf$(20,2)
fvf(1) = FVF_XYZ
fvf(2) = FVF_XYZRHW
fvf(3) = FVF_XYZB1
fvf(4) = FVF_XYZB2
fvf(5) = FVF_XYZB3
fvf(6) = FVF_XYZB4
fvf(7) = FVF_XYZB5
fvf(8) = FVF_NORMAL
fvf(9) = FVF_PSIZE
fvf(10) = FVF_DIFFUSE
fvf(11) = FVF_SPECULAR
fvf(12) = FVF_TEX0
fvf(13) = FVF_TEX1
fvf(14) = FVF_TEX2
fvf(15) = FVF_TEX3
fvf(16) = FVF_TEX4
fvf(17) = FVF_TEX5
fvf(18) = FVF_TEX6
fvf(19) = FVF_TEX7
fvf(20) = FVF_TEX8
fvf$(1,1) = "FVF_XYZ"
fvf$(2,1) = "FVF_XYZRHW"
fvf$(3,1) = "FVF_XYZB1"
fvf$(4,1) = "FVF_XYZB2"
fvf$(5,1) = "FVF_XYZB3"
fvf$(6,1) = "FVF_XYZB4"
fvf$(7,1) = "FVF_XYZB5"
fvf$(8,1) = "FVF_NORMAL"
fvf$(9,1) = "FVF_PSIZE"
fvf$(10,1) = "FVF_DIFFUSE"
fvf$(11,1) = "FVF_SPECULAR"
fvf$(12,1) = "FVF_TEX0"
fvf$(13,1) = "FVF_TEX1"
fvf$(14,1) = "FVF_TEX2"
fvf$(15,1) = "FVF_TEX3"
fvf$(16,1) = "FVF_TEX4"
fvf$(17,1) = "FVF_TEX5"
fvf$(18,1) = "FVF_TEX6"
fvf$(19,1) = "FVF_TEX7"
fvf$(20,1) = "FVF_TEX8"
fvf$(1,2) = "0x002"
fvf$(2,2) = "0x004"
fvf$(3,2) = "0x006"
fvf$(4,2) = "0x008"
fvf$(5,2) = "0x00a"
fvf$(6,2) = "0x00c"
fvf$(7,2) = "0x00e"
fvf$(8,2) = "0x010"
fvf$(9,2) = "0x020"
fvf$(10,2) = "0x040"
fvf$(11,2) = "0x080"
fvf$(12,2) = "0x000"
fvf$(13,2) = "0x100"
fvf$(14,2) = "0x200"
fvf$(15,2) = "0x300"
fvf$(16,2) = "0x400"
fvf$(17,2) = "0x500"
fvf$(18,2) = "0x600"
fvf$(19,2) = "0x700"
fvf$(20,2) = "0x800"
calc = 0
calc$ = ""
r$ = ""
rsz = 1
dim rs$(rsz)
rs$ = clear_stringarray(rs$,rsz)
combos = 0
set cursor 0,0
print "FVF format value calculator"
for i=1 to 20
pad$ = ") "
if i < 10 then pad$ = pad$ + " "
fvfv$ = str$(fvf(i))
if len(fvfv$) = 1 then fvfv$ = fvfv$ + " "
if len(fvfv$) = 2 then fvfv$ = fvfv$ + " "
if len(fvfv$) = 3 then fvfv$ = fvfv$ + " "
print i,pad$,fvf$(i,2)," = ",fvfv$," = ",fvf$(i,1)
next i
if calc > 0 then print calc$," = ",calc
if r$ <> "" then print r$
if combos > 0 then print "Checked ",combos," different combinations. "
for i=1 to rsz
if rs$(i) <> "" then print rs$(i)
next i
print "Enter 0 (zero) to clear calculation"
print "Enter 21 to break an FVF value into its constants"
input "Enter an index from FVF list to calculate (1-20) ",calcE
r$ = "" : combos = 0 : rs$ = clear_stringarray(rs$,rsz)
if calcE > 0 and calcE < 21
calc = calc || fvf(calcE)
if calc$ <> "" then calc$ = calc$ + " || "
calc$ = calc$ + fvf$(calcE,1)
if calcE = 0 then calc = 0 : calc$ = ""
if calcE = 21
input "Enter an FVF value to calculate (divisible by 2) ",calcE
if calcE = 0 then rs$(1) = fvf$(12,1) + " = 0" `Special case.
if calcE > 0 and calcE mod 2 = 0
input "Enter maximum number of returns (1-20) ",rsz
if rsz > 20 or rsz < 1 then rsz = 1
undim rs$()
dim rs$(rsz)
calc = 0 : calc$ = ""
gosub _calculate_fvf
count = 0 : y = array count(fvf())
rs$ = clear_stringarray(rs$,rsz)
for x=0 to (2 ^ y)-1
r$ = dec_to_bin(x,y)
inc combos
if left$(r$,2) <> "11" and (mid$(r$,2) + mid$(r$,8) <> "11")
for i=1 to len(r$)
t$ = mid$(r$,i)
if t$ = "1"
calc = calc || fvf(i)
if calc$ <> "" then calc$ = calc$ + " || "
calc$ = calc$ + fvf$(i,1)
next i
if calc = calcE
inc count,1
rs$(count) = calc$ + " = " + str$(calc)
calc = 0 : calc$ = "" : r$ = ""
if count = rsz then return
calc = 0 : calc$ = ""
next x
if rs$(1) = "" then r$ = "No results found."
function dec_to_bin(x,s)
r$ = ""
for v=0 to s-1
if x and (2 ^ v)
r$ = r$ + "1"
r$ = r$ + "0"
next v
endfunction r$
function clear_stringarray(rs$,rsz)
for i=1 to rsz
rs$(i) = ""
next i
endfunction rs$