- Download the latest zip file, and extract everything.
- Go to Build/VC8 and open Box2D.sln
- Build the solution in both debug and release modes
- Close the solution
- Create a new game in DarkGDK
- Go to the 'additional include directories' under project options, and locate the 'Include' folder in Box2D's folder.
- Go to the 'additional library directories' under the options, and add 'Library' (I think that's where the output files go, but it will be the folder with .lib files in anyway)
- Go to 'linker input', and add 'box2Dd.lib' (or whatever the name of the output file was, but it will be something like that)
- Repeat the last 3 steps for release mode, but using 'box2D.lib' instead.
- At the top of your header file, add '#include "Box2D.h"'
You can now use Box2D
See the box2d website for examples.