The RPGDTE is very old, ive been working on it for 3 years now HOW? well it started in QuickBASIC and assembly then C++ MODEX 320X240 256 colors and most of it was really for research and development refining my 2D skills learning all the tricks of the trade and I did it all without source code
which is a MAJOR pain. So basically the RPGDTE is representation of all my studies and my own formula's
whatever worked best in the smallest amount of space that i could squeeze it I dislike using source code but I dont mind giving out source code I made. The RPGDTE interpeter is made of stuff of nightmares
Especially when you start prodding around it internal PARAM spool or viewing the A-T internal sequencers. Fun dose come in a can.
There was a man on the stairs that wasn't there.
He wasn't there agian today I think he's from the CIA.