Sorry for the Late replys been busy.
I've heard this before. I posted this here because I never really knew where to post the images with DarkBASIC. I would waste ten minutes re - arranging the images to the right area. Then I got this Idea. I start it , find the location , minimize it by pressing down key and get the image to where I want it. Others that don't yet know enough to do this can do it easily.
Yeah thanks for the Knoweldge!
@Darth Vader
Thank You! I don't think anyone has even said anything like that since I posted this .......... except you. Yeah now I know how to convert # to $ I'll prob do that. And for the MouseZ I saw it would only take like 3 more lines of code and I thought "why not?" maybe when/if I expand it a bit than I will make it like that.
Thank You all for your (mostly negative) comments. I will prob. expand it and include the copy to clipboard thing. But you can find the updates and stuff at:
if anyone ever gets intrested.
Proud Leader of the DarkBASIC club. Inspired by TGC & Celestial Coding