What I do to make a height map in photoshop is;
1. Make a duplicate of all your layers and make them as one,
2. Go to Image>Adjustments>Desaturate,
3. Duplicate the layer,
4. Go to Filters>Blur>Gausian Blur,
5. Mess around with the slider untill you get one fammiliar to the one you have in your attatchment,
6. Now go to Layer>Adjustments>Exposure,
7. Now mess around untill you get some good black & white blocks or whatever you want to be resembeled.
Or, you can paint over a black fill and paint with a soft white brush, this is hand painting a Height Map and can be quite good, other than that, try the first way for starters.
"Your greatest teacher is your harshest critic"-'Butterfingers'