When using this code my text appears behind the sprite, i've tried to search around to find a solution but with no luck.
Heres the function which displays the image and sprite:
//basic thingy to display sprite(it does display)
//this is somewhere else only called at the start of the program
dbSprite(1, dbScreenWidth()-200, 0, 10);
Here is for the text:
//this function is called once every frame(the text does show)
void tplayer::Display_Infos()
char plyhp [ 256 ] = "Your Health = ";
char plyak [ 256 ] = "Your Attack = ";
char plydf [ 256 ] = "Your Defence = ";
char plylv [ 256 ] = "Your Level = ";
strcat ( plyhp, dbStr ( health ) );
strcat ( plyak, dbStr ( attack ) );
strcat ( plydf, dbStr ( defence ) );
strcat ( plylv, dbStr ( level ) );
dbText ( dbScreenWidth()-160, 0, name );
dbText ( dbScreenWidth()-160, 10, plylv );
dbText ( dbScreenWidth()-160, 20, plyhp );
dbText ( dbScreenWidth()-160, 30, plyak );
dbText ( dbScreenWidth()-160, 40, plydf );
Everything displays all good except the text is behind the image which makes it rather hard to see =P
Any suggestions?
I <3 C++ & Dark GDK 4 2 maek mai gamezorz! =D