I was wondering, If a texture map is set up to be used by multiple models, would that be an effective use of a texture map?.. Here is an example..
I have 2 objects (separate models) a wood plank and a box/crate. I put both textures in one bitmap, mainly because I wanted the texture Quality to be higher quality, but also didn't want to have wasted space in the UV texture. I'm not convinced 'stretching' textures or UV coordinates is a good thing to do.
My question is this, Is using 1 texture map for several models a good effective use of textures? or will the models both keep their own copy of the texture bitmap and use up more memory than having them separately.
This stems from some textures fitting better in non-square bitmaps, IE 512x256, and by putting 2 textures in one bitmap I have no wasted space and it helps them fit graphics cards that require square texture maps.
Any thoughts?
P.S. the zip with both models and the 'shared' texture map are attached.