what you could do is make some 3d obejcts and poitn the camera at them, so you can use set cursor pos 0,0 instead of cls, so you print over the old text. and about the fps=0, thats because you wait 2 seconds. if you would wait 1000, or 500, you would get a higher fps cause i don't think you can get lower than 1. if you want to see, do sleep 500 instead of 1000, you'll see the fps jumps to 1
sync on : sync rate 60
hide mouse
perform checklist for display modes
for c=1 to checklist quantity()
width=checklist value a(c)
height=checklist value b(c)
next c
set display mode width, height, 32
if check display mode(width, height, depth)=1
set dir "C:dr6 Engine v1bin32"
make file "dump_log.txt"
if file exist("dump_log.txt") then delete file "dump_log.txt"
open to write 1, "dump_log.txt"
write string 1, ""
write fileblock 1, "file.dat"
close file 1
make object cube 1, 10
set cursor 0,0
print "type:";screen type()
print "width:";screen width()
print "height:";screen height()
print "depth:";screen depth()
print "invalid:";screen invalid()
print "fps:";screen fps()
sleep 2000