Let me give you some advice, i take it you are learning game programming for the first time? Well this is no easy task, and i think you should start with some simple text tests, move to either 2d or 3d, despite what people say, 2d is about the same learning curve as 3d. If you are good with coordinates and understanding 3D concepts, go 3d, but i urge you to at least learn 2D because it can make GREAT effects for 2d and 3d games.
(Hello World Example)
// whenever using Dark GDK you must ensure you include the header file
#include "DarkGDK.h"
// the main entry point for the application is this function
void DarkGDK ( void )
// turn on sync rate and set maximum rate to 60 fps
dbSyncOn ( );
dbSyncRate ( 60 );
dbPrint("Hello World!");
// our main loop
while ( LoopGDK ( ) )
// update the screen
dbSync ( );
// return back to windows
But as for your questions,
to make .x files from models in 3dsmax, google "3ds Max Direct X exporter" and you should find what your looking for, i suggest looking up basic c++ before just jumping into Dark GDK. When you understand general programming theory, everything else just falls right into place.
Any other questions, ASK (in this thread)
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