DarkGAME Studio provides a great collection of software designed to get users on the path to making games. It includes media you can use, media creation programs such as treemagik and plantlife for outdoor scenes, all three generations of The Game Creators programming tools. DarkBASIC Classic, Professional and DarkGDK C++ (which you can also download for free). Tools such as DarkSHADER make it much eaiser later on to deploy shader technology which every new game uses.
I assure you, if you where to spend money on all these programs seperately the cost would be considerably higher. I've had a few e-mails come through the support system from users asking if all the versions of the sofware included where the full versions because they had trouble beleiving the discount it represented.
If you buy the package you'll almost certainly end up using DarkBASIC Professional. To give you a better idea of how it all works I've prepared a number of video tutorials (all completely free) demonstrating how to create a simple random number guessing game, right up to making a basic version of 3D Frogger, featuring sections dealing with 3D objects and Collision detection.
http://www.darkprinciples.co.uk just click on tutorials and free tutorials.
There's one tutorial there you may want to pay special attention too, which is "
4# Using TreeMagik G3 with DarkBASIC Professional" which guides you through the process of making a tree with TreeMagik, loading it into DBPro and setting it up for transparancy. It ends by showing you how to create a forest. Fog effects and adjust ambiant lighting for atmosphere.