I'm pretty much as newbie as they come, but I have completed several tutorials and I'm feeling the need to actually do something with some of the basic skills I have learned. I feel a bit stupid however constantly asking questions on the forums in different posts so i thought I would focus on a project and post my questions here so that if anyway feels like helping out a newbie they can without me littering the forums with questions.
I created a little newbie project for myself that I'm pretty sure I will be able to acomplish. I thought it might be helpful for other newbies to follow along, but keep in mind this is NOT a tutorial, this is simply a newbie doing a project in the open to benefit others that might be learning and hopefully pick up a few pointers from more experianced programers.
I have outlined the project goals and tasks Below.
Project: Bards Tale Interface & Movement Functionality
Goal: The goal of this project is to create a bards tale like interface with a display window dedicated to showing tile based movement in an enviroment controled by the arrow keys.
Example: Included is a screenshot of the orignal bards tale interface. We are going to be focusing on creating the window that displays the location and re-creating the movement with the arrow keys.
Graphics Assets
The following graphics assets will be created for the purpose of this project.
Display Window Border: A basic border that will go around our central display of the enviroment.
Additional Window Borders: A title border, a 'action window' border and a 'character window border' will be created as place holders for future expansions of this project.
Tile Based Enviroment: A simple 3d tile based enviroment which the game will 'walk around in'.
Coding Assets
The following are the sections of code that need to be written.
* Initial setup for the project. Setting up the the screen resolution and basic stuff to ensure the enviroment works as it should.
* Loading and placing the graphics assets in the correct area.
* Loading up images, positioning images and ensuring they are aligned.
* Create 3d Enviroment: Need to create a basic 3d enviroment in which to walk around in.
* Creat collision detection
* Add Skybox (might be too advanced for me but I put it in there anyway)
* Loading the 3d enviroment and displaying it in the main display window. This should include any code to position it in the window.
* Creating the arrow key movment functionality including appropriate camera angels. This should allow me to walk around fluidly in the enviroment.
* Making the movement in the enviroment tile based rather then fluid.
That's about it for what I plan to do with the project.
This is my current code as of July 4th
Rem Bards Tale Interface
Sync On
Sync Rate 120
Set Display Mode 1280, 1024, 32
Autocam off
backdrop on
color backdrop 0
Hide Mouse
Rem Load the exterior map
Load Object "Exterior.x", 1
Rem Create the camera, position it and point it .
Make Camera 1
Position Camera 20,0,20
Point Camera 1,0,0
Rem this is the start of the main loop.
Sync On
Rem This controls the camera movement
If Upkey () = 1 then move camera 1,2
if downkey () = 1 then move camera 1,-2
If leftkey () = 1 then turn camera left 1,2
If rightkey () = 1 then turn camera right 1,2