Not really, they are kinda sorta, but they are more used to execute code really with variables.
like if i make a function i call MakeObjectCube(id,size,x,y,z) it would look like this:
function MakeObjectCube(id,size,x,y,z)
make object cube id,size
position object id,x,y,z
then i can call that function anywhere in my code as long as the function is at the bottom/after the main loop.
like so:
thats about it
Types seem like classes to me, not sure.
type object
size as integer
x as integer
y as integer
z as integer
dim object(10) as object `10 is the max number of the type variable you want
with that code you can call/set data from that array like so:
etc. up to 10 or however much you set it to.
and then make an object like so:
for x=1 to x=10 `10 or how ever much you set the array to
make object cube x,object(x).size
position object x,object(x).x,object(x).y,object(x),z
next x
that makes 10 boxes according to their properties you set earlier.