RiiDii, I helped you out a little with rotation and 3D sectors.
You will need to make 1 vector and 4 matrices for it to work.
Untested but it should work.
function in_sector( SourceObj as DWord, TargetObj as DWord, SectArcH as Float, SectArcV as Float, SectRad as Float,FreeVector as dword,FreeMatrix1 as dword,FreeMatrix2 as dword,FreeMatrix3 as dword,FreeMatrix4 as dword)
SectX as Float
SectY as Float
SectZ as Float
SectAng as Float
TargX as Float
TargY as Float
TargZ as Float
Distance as Float
inFlag as Boolean = 0
`Defensive Code
If SourceObj<1 Then ExitFunction inFlag
If Not Object Exist(SourceObj) Then ExitFunction inFlag
If TargetObj<1 Then ExitFunction inFlag
If Not Object Exist(TargetObj) Then ExitFunction inFlag
`Set variables
SectX = Object Position X(SourceObj)
SectY = Object Position Y(SourceObj)
SectZ = Object Position Z(SourceObj)
SectAngX = Object Angle X(SourceObj)
SectAngY = Object Angle Y(SourceObj)
SectAngZ = Object Angle Z(SourceObj)
SectAng = 0
TargX = Object Position X(TargetObj)
TargY = Object Position X(TargetObj)
TargZ = Object Position X(TargetObj)
SectArcH =SectArcH*.5
SectArcV =SectArcV*.5
`Set vector
set vector4 FreeVector,SectX,SectY,SectZ
`Set Matrices
rotate x matrix4 FreeMatrix1,-SectAngX/57.2958
rotate y matrix4 FreeMatrix2,-SectAngY/57.2958
rotate z matrix4 FreeMatrix3,-SectAngZ/57.2958
translate matrix4 FreeMatrix4,TargX-SectX,TargY-SectY,TargZ-SectZ
multiply matrix4 FreeMatrix1,FreeMatrix1,FreeMatrix2
multiply matrix4 FreeMatrix1,FreeMatrix1,FreeMatrix3
add matrix4 FreeMatrix1,FreeMatrix1,FreeMatrix4
transform vector4 FreeVector,FreeVector,FreeMatrix1
TargX=X Vector4(FreeVector)
TargY=Y Vector4(FreeVector)
TargZ=Z Vector4(FreeVector)
SectX = 0
SectY = 0
SectZ = 0
`check for distance
Distance =get_distance( TargX, TargZ, SectX, SectZ )
`Object is outside of sector radius
if Distance > SectRad Then ExitFunction inFlag
`Get the Y-angle of the Target Object relative to the Source Object
angle# = wrapvalue( atanfull( TargX-SectX , TargZ-SectZ ) )
`check angle
if abs( angle# - SectAng ) < SectArcH
inFlag = 1
`Check for angle wrap around (0 becomes 360 etc.)
if SectAng < SectArcH or SectAng > (360 - SectArcH)
if abs( angle# - SectAng ) > 360 - SectArcH
inFlag = 1
if inFlag = 0 Then ExitFunction inFlag
inFlag = 0
`Get the vertical-angle of the Target Object relative to the Source Object
angle# = wrapvalue( atanfull( TargY-SectY , Distance ) )
if angle# < SectArcV or angle# > (360-sectArcV)
inFlag = 1
endfunction inFlag
Function Initialize_Distance_Functions()
Dim initDistance(0)
If initDistance(0) Then ExitFunction
Global Distance3D = 1
NoValue=Make Vector3(Distance3D)
Global Distance2D = 2
NoValue=Make Vector2(Distance2D)
function get_target_distance(object1,obj2x#,obj2y#,obj2z#)
If object1<1 Then Exitfunction 0.0
If Object Exist(object1)=0 Then ExitFunction 0.0
ObjX#=Object Position X(Object1)
ObjY#=Object Position Y(Object1)
ObjZ#=Object Position Z(Object1)
Set Vector3 Distance3D,obj2x#-ObjX#,obj2y#-ObjY#,obj2z#-ObjZ#
distance# = Length Vector3(Distance3D)
endfunction distance#
function get_distance( x1 as float, y1 as float, x2 as float, y2 as float )
set vector2 Distance2D, x1-x2, y1-y2
result# = length vector2( Distance2D )
endfunction result#