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Posted: 23rd Jul 2009 23:08 Edited at: 11th Aug 2009 21:08

It's been a long time, since I released anything nearly good. The reason is shown in that the last 3 good projects I had, all failed but no matter, Soharix pressed on, making secret projects and resisting the temptation to make formal WIPs for projects that would probably fizzle out. - until now.

This game may not be, the greatest game on earth, it also may not be everyone's cup of tea. But I can safely say: it's better than the some of the other projects Soharix has created over the years.

Basically this game is passively themed on Demonstar, but rather than moving up a scrolling level, you are free to move around within the level.

Soharix's database shows the following people have completed planet Kohar:
And the following people to have completed planet Sheeb:

Zone v1.2 is available for download here:
: .rar
: .zip

And here are some screenshots to illustrate the game design (and so I don't get shot for not posting screenshots in my PA ):

Starting screen (showing credits and controls)

Exploding some fuel storage tanks (old terrain)

Being shot at (old terrain)

Facing quite a few enemies (old terrain)

Showing the new terrain and level title

Showing off the boss level (which has moving lava under the terrain )


For those interested in the true credits to the game:

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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 00:10
Looks awesome, I've seen this on the WIP board. I'm glad you got around to finishing it. So I'll go ahead and download it! ^^

Also, the little text just under your "ZONE" logo at the top of your post is sort of giving a bad impression on your website, because I have never heard of Soharix before, and I didn't know it's history (until now), and I wish I could believe it's an awesome website. But that text sort of ruins that a bit...

Just pointing out, not meaning to hurt anyone.


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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 00:23 Edited at: 24th Jul 2009 03:57
@ TheComet
Hah, point taken, I've lowered the tone on that bit of text, but I still want people to realise, Soharix is in no way perfect.

Thank you for your support though, you can believe in the great an almighty Soharix if you like

@ All
Version 1.1 is available from the same links. Bug fixed where the program crashes due to not being able to remove an object, because it's not setup with Sparky's DLL, when the enemies during the whole game have fired more than 9500 shots at you. This version also includes the craters for the 2 bosses on level 10 which I forgot to include in version 1.0.

NeX the Fairly Fast Ferret
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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 15:27
..why does this use Sparky's DLL?

Dr Tank
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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 15:39
Nice. If anything it could do with being slightly harder. The enemy bosses are really easy to defeat- get them in the open, get in the right position, hold rotate, move sideways, and provided you have diagonal shots, just hold fire and wait.

I guess finding abusable tactics is part of the fun though. Playing this game was overall an enjoyable experience. Would be nice to have hard levels 11-15 added.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 17:45
@ NeX the Fairly Fast Ferret
Sparky's collision is used so I could group the objects easier into things like, enemy bullets, player bullets, buildings and ships (as they all react differently to other objects ingame) With DBP collision, I've always found it's far too limited. I'm also just like, attached to Sparky's collision, so I used it everywhere.

@ Dr Tank
Yeh, the hardness of the game comes in finding out the tactics (which aren't abuse necessarily) and executing them properly without getting shot by something else.

I'm GLaD it was an enjoyable experience, I enjoyed making/testing it. I do invisage creating addons for it which will just update the .exe and add more levels. So, stay tuned for, Zone - To planet Sheeb

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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 21:38
Wow, the way the background rotated really hurt me eyes. I couldn't manage play past level 4.

From what I played, it seemed like a fun little game. I liked how the player would start the levels right in the middle of a horribly outnumbered situation.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 23:00
@ Jimpo
Quote: "the way the background rotated really hurt me eyes"

Hah, well, there's not much I can do about that, other than to make the camera at an angle, but then the game would look 3D, and not have the same classic feel.

Quote: "I liked how the player would start the levels right in the middle of a horribly outnumbered situation"

That's all part of the challenge that, for some reason, makes this game overly enjoyable to people...

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Posted: 25th Jul 2009 01:25
@ Anyone who cares
I decided the reception to Zone's limited number of players was so positive that I'd make an addon. This will come in the form of just another game version which I'm going to call v1.2 because it also sorts out bugs from v1.1. Here's a screenshot of the new start screen and the Sheeb chapter:

New start screen

Planet Sheeb

Dr Tank
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Posted: 25th Jul 2009 05:14
Planet Sheeb looks waaay easy, man.

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Posted: 25th Jul 2009 05:43
@ Dr Tank
That's the first level, and it's hard... trust me xD
See under the minimap, theres a little yellow semi-circle, thats the side of a level 5 boss, then theres all those flying-bugs and shooting-plants which have more health than their metalic counter parts. - I also just shot a whole row of large fuel tanks and escaped with that much health... so yeh, hehe, never underestimate planet Sheeb. (I also want to make bigger flying enemies that fire in the same way as the level 10 bosses, but are easier to kill but will fly faster than the other ships and bugs in Zone. )

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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 19:59 Edited at: 29th Jul 2009 19:59
There, all done, version 1.2 which includes planet Sheeb is now available from the same link, or from Game Torpedo.


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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 21:27
Don't undersell yourself, man, the only time I've been disappointed with Soharix was when you cancelled Marvin .

I'm playing planet Sheeb now .

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Dr Tank
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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 21:31 Edited at: 29th Jul 2009 21:38
Hmm. I just downloaded zone.rar. Appears to be previous version. WIll try to download the zip instead.

Edit: Zip is new version. Maybe rar is updated now? Anyway. Time to play.

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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 22:30
Ah, man, I beat it on my first go with only one retry on level 19 . I have to say the final bosses weren't that spectacular, they seemed even weaker than the normal UFOs.

Diggsey: I have a spine and memory, but one memorable guy says he hates me. What am I?
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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 23:05 Edited at: 29th Jul 2009 23:08
@ BMacZero
I'm GLaD Soharix hasn't completely lost its reputation, although I feel it was tainted again by Crazy Programmer, who said he'd re-make Marvin the Magician, then stopped that as well... -.-

@ Dr Tank
Hah, oh yeh, I forgot to upload the .rar - I was in a hurry to go out right before I released it all. - It's been uploaded now

@ BMacZero
Well I found most of the levels I made for Sheeb were more difficult to test than the planet Kohar. So maybe you've just learned how to play the game perfectly.

The final bosses weren't meant to be spectacular, I thought I'd give the player a bit of a break and put loads of powerups to have a play around with. (Oh by the way, did you submit your name once you completed Sheeb? - I don't see it, I only see the one from completing Kohar )

Either way, in all seriousness, if you want another addon, E-Mail me, I'll send you the map editor and you can make some harder levels. - If you want any new entities in the game, you'd have to talk to me about drawing them and implementing their function. But as far as I'm concerned, Zone is done for now xD (I have another project I've been dieing to start on)

@ Dr Tank & BMacZero

Thank you both for your support anyway heh, I know I'm not the world's greatest game designer so any support you offer is appreciated.

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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 23:44
That was epic! Penultimate level was a bit of a patience test. Overall it seems if you are methodical, and shoot stuff just off the screen (before they shoot at you), you are a lot more sucessful than if you wade into the action, which is more fun. This is similar to how the gameplay works in my game, which is a problem i need to address.

Anyway, it's a fun experience and a solid game. I like the new graphics, with the biological enemies. Having the ability to start on the new planet is great for people like myself who played the previous versions. Having the restart level option is great too- levels are harder, and i probably wouldn't have completed it without this option. The number of times i died starting the last level...

If you were to make an update, i'd suggest maybe less hitpoints for the enemies, and stop you losing all your gun powerups when you get hit. However, seeing as you've said you're moving on to another project, i wish you luck in that. I know how sticking with one thing for a long time can be draining. Zone 2 would be nice, but there's no rush.

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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 23:52
Start your next project, it's plenty hard alright . I did submit my name.

Diggsey: I have a spine and memory, but one memorable guy says he hates me. What am I?
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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 23:56 Edited at: 29th Jul 2009 23:57
@ Dr Tank
Yeh the game is basically a master-the-techniques game (but then again, what game isn't?)

Heh I found it hard testing the levels too, because I'd have to play them a good few times. xD

I wouldn't change the hitpoints or the gameplay mechanics, it wouldn't be nearly as challenging (or the same game) And I don't invisage Zone 2 for a while yet. Either way, when I do make a sequal it will probably be 3D and not called Zone 2 (because I find putting "2" on the name and calling it a sequal just gets boring after a while)

@ BMacZero
Quote: "Start your next project, it's plenty hard alright . I did submit my name."
Good good, I'm GLaD I didn't disapoint you.


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Posted: 30th Jul 2009 01:02
I submitted it again, did it work?

Diggsey: I have a spine and memory, but one memorable guy says he hates me. What am I?
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Posted: 30th Jul 2009 01:16 Edited at: 8th Aug 2009 13:16
@ BMacZero
No, but don't worry, it's just my FTP being silly: the files are there, but it won't show me them.

Well it's a while on and I decided to check the Zone FTP folder. Currently only you 2 and myself have completed planet Kohar and planet Sheeb. No one else has completed a single planet

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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 19:56 Edited at: 11th Aug 2009 20:10
Sheesh, they don't know what they're missing .

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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 20:30
@ BMacZero
! I just noticed your sig, thats awesome, thanks.

That should get people playing Zone

The rewards of completing a planet are beyond belief...

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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 20:41
You should post a list of people who have completed each planet, maybe fame and, fame will be an incentive .

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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 21:05
@ BMacZero
Good idea, I'll make it part of the first post. !

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2009 06:55
Played it, and found it very fun Definitely reminds me of oldschool space shooters. I once played an mmo similar to this, but I don't even know if it's around anymore. Glad to see this genre isn't dead I'll work on beating all the planets, but I was never good at this kind of game... Are you still adding to this game? I think if you are going to add more levels, definitely make a save/load function. Starting from the beginning every time makes it hard to finish the game. Another good thing would be some multiplayer I can imagine an online 4-way death match (with a few added power-ups) would be very fun. Also, a co-op version of the main game would make it feel less... lonely. An amazing game, I hope to see a few more versions come out (And DEFINITELY a sequel!)

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2009 10:34
@ Wreckka
I'm GLaD you like it but I'm not currently working on it.

I am still able to add more planets (hence more maps) but I'm working on other things.

I also don't intend on drastically changing the gameplay with any future versions I may release.

And the save/load feature is a definate no-no as games like Demonstar were arcade games which you couldn't save in.

There are no plans for a sequal either.

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