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Dark GDK / DGDK Open Source Project

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Joined: 19th Dec 2002
Posted: 28th Jan 2013 11:06 Edited at: 28th Jan 2013 11:28
For the past month I've been working UDK and I'm getting very excited. Every concept that I conceived within DOSP can be realized in UDK: Modular Entity Construction Sets, Give|Take Registries, Moderated Open Repositories, DarkTokens (TBEMS). In fact, UDK can improve upon them.

Then I had an epiphany:

Thus, I will continue with the spiritual development of Super 3D Game Platform (S3GP) with the Unreal Development Kit. Of course, this will require some significant scaling down on features to operate within the structure of UDK. But, scaling down and structure is exactly whats needed. I've already rolled in my most critical ideas into my new UDK project.

UDK completely removes the need to develop a High Performance Game Engine and it also provides a suite of free tools. Which means I can focus on the development of high-level application functionality, not the low-level engine functionality. It provides Systems for everything required in a modern game:

My focus is now shifted to creating a game (First Person Shooter with Elves & Dragons), not a game engine. There is no doubt this is a very good thing.

Gibba gobba
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Posted: 28th Jan 2013 19:24
This sounds like an interesting idea, but doesn't UDK require licence payments?

Hello one and all...
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Posted: 29th Jan 2013 07:49 Edited at: 29th Jan 2013 07:55
Quote: "This sounds like an interesting idea, but doesn't UDK require licence payments?"
Yes, OverArc(working title) will require the use of the UDK license. Additionally, UDK Licensing Fees ($99 License + 25% Royalties after $50,000) will be applicable if 'Adventures' made in OverArc are distributed commercially. NO fees required for freely distributed Adventures.

In my personal opinion, UDK Licensing is unbeatable for the amount tools and performance one receives. Besides, if your game sells up to $50,000, you're doing really good.

Gibba gobba
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Location: regret
Posted: 1st Feb 2013 00:20
I suppose that's reasonable. It kind of kills one of the original ideas of the project being royalty free though. At least Epic's royalty system is manageable. I look forward to seeing what happens.

Hello one and all...
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Joined: 19th Dec 2002
Posted: 2nd Feb 2013 21:27 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2013 23:44
Quote: "I suppose that's reasonable. It kind of kills one of the original ideas of the project being royalty free though."
Slightly. Yes, I did state you can export and sell your games & media created with S3GP without any licensing restrictions. Technically, there are no restrictions, just the additional requirement of 25% royalty above $50,000 in sells. In fact, I believe the original Open-Source license prohibited commercial distribution as its directly the counters the purpose of the open-source initiative. So the question is, is the the project still open source?

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