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Dark GDK / DGDK Open Source Project

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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 13:03
I'll do SVN with sourceforge. SVN is easy to use, not hard. Once I get it set up, I'll explain the basics.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 15:31 Edited at: 31st Aug 2009 15:45
Quote: "I'll do SVN with sourceforge. SVN is easy to use, not hard. Once I get it set up, I'll explain the basics."

Quote: "Edit: I noticed that you were after an XML parser. Would irrXML be a possibility? I know that it is fairly simple to implement in a non-irrlicht project. It uses the zlib license and it looks a ton easier to use than RapidXML with similar if not the same features."
Go for it as there is no XML solution implemented yet.

Trapped inside the DGDK Open Source Project.
chunks chunks
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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 17:05
Hi i thought i would post a demo for people to try the audio lib , any comments welcome .

It uses the irrklang audio library (free for non commercial use) , i have wrapped it in gdk style functions with the prefix oaw (open audio wrapper) .

Its not finished yet , i need to add quite a lot more commands , but in this demo you can play 2d & 3d sounds in ogg/mp3/wav , anyways look in the oaw.h for the commands .


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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 17:28
I am a little puzzled, about what features are missing from the default DarkGDK sound functions, that require the addition of an external sound library?
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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 17:31 Edited at: 31st Aug 2009 17:38
OK, Sourceforge is set up.
Sourceforge allows really easy creation of wikis, forums, email etc (and hand coded websites if anyone can be bothered), all for free because they love open source, so I think we should create some of those.
If anyone signs up for Sourceforge and gives me their username, I can make you admin because I don't really want to do the project descriptions etc.

SVN (subversion) is a system to allow file management in projects.
There are two main operations:
-Update - this means download the files from the server, and replace any files you did NOT modify with the newer ones from the server
-Commit - this uploads any files you DID modify since your last commit to the server, so everyone else can download the new files.
Every time someone commits something new or modified, the revision number goes up. This means you can always know how up to date your files are, from what revision they are at compared to that on the server.

What we need now if for someone to set a up a directory system (I suggest the directories /bin, /src, /include and /lib, but you may want different folders for different projects)
Then when this directory system has been made locally, commit it.

For anyone who wants to use your own client, here is what you need:
Quote: "svn co darkgdkosp "

TortoiseSVN step by step
1. download tortoiseSVn from, for free
2. install it
3. Create a new folder someone on your computer,
4. go into this folder and right click
5. You should now see an option "SVN Checkout"
6. In "URL of repository", paste this:
Quote: ""

7. You are done!

You should see any files already on the server. Create new files here, right click and choose "Commit" and a dialog appears.
Check the boxes next to the files you want tto commit. New ones will be unchecked by default.
Don't forget to include a short log message so people know what has been committed. This is in the top box when you commit.
You will be prompted for a username and password, this is you sourceforge username and password, and I need to grant you SVN access first, so tell me your sourceforge username (sign up first!!)

Every time you need to update (I suggest you do this before you start working every time), right click and choose update in the root SVN folder.
I will create a basic exemplar fodler structure, but feel free to change it.

chunks chunks
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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 17:40
Hi , I think gdks sound functions are ok ,but you can`t play mp3s or ogg without using load music which are very limited commands , plus this external lib has sound effects eg reverb , echo and others great for adding ambience to your games .

Gdk only uses wavs which when you have a lot of sounds in your game they are very big files and adds up to lots of disk space cost .
also the sound lib runs in its own thread , and doesn`t bother the gdks fps at all .

check out the site and see it has way more features


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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 18:09
Thanks for that info chucks.

I have used irrklang before and found it very user friendly .... Yes I rather LOVED it, even though I never had to use any features of it that were not already covered under DarkGDK library.
It is good to see you plan to cover the full gambit of functionality.

I am looking forward to see how you tackle the control for autoallocating priority to sounds for machines that have support for a smaller number of voices than are being used within the game at a particular time.(EG: 32 positional sounds playing at the one time with a machine only able to support, lets say, 16 sounds at the one time)

Its great to see some work being started.
chunks chunks
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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 19:16 Edited at: 31st Aug 2009 19:20
as far as i`m aware you can play as many sounds as your memory can handle , all sound cards are full duplex nowadays , with midi and mods you have a set number of sounds you can play at once , 16 channels for midi , not sure for mods .

I think i will do a test to see how many wav/mp3/oggs can be played at once , but im sure irrklang can handle it because it was intended for games .

Im also looking at the recording classes , it might be usefull for in game chat , i don`t know how the data would be handled over the network or online , but i`m sure its quite possible .


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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 23:19 Edited at: 1st Sep 2009 18:21
Quote: "OK, Sourceforge is set up.
Sourceforge allows really easy creation of wikis, forums, email etc (and hand coded websites if anyone can be bothered), all for free because they love open source, so I think we should create some of those.

If anyone signs up for Sourceforge and gives me their username, I can make you admin because I don't really want to do the project descriptions etc."
Excellent Jezza.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 00:12
You should now also be able to commit to the SVN.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 00:45 Edited at: 1st Sep 2009 00:45
Hi jezza, I'm gonna have to play with SourceForge & SVN to get used to them.

I also have a few concerns:

1) I desire to keep the discussion about the project TGC DGDK forums. My past experience with these types of open source projects is that if you move the discussion to an external forum, interest dies off slow and painfully.
2) I have greater control with Mantis. I host it and can assess the database. I've been able to communicate changes on the TGC Forums using php images (look at the Members List in Top Post - it's updated from Mantis). I will most likely limited my use of Sourceforge to SVN.
3) Simplified presentation and navigation.

Trapped inside the DGDK Open Source Project.
Mista Wilson
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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 01:04
You could use a SVN server that isnt an external one, something like VisualSVNServer... its a free SVN server, I use this one myself, and its very capable and simple to setup(you host it locally on your own network and set it up for people to connect to, takes the "external" out of the equation, which can be both good and bad lol)

Might I also suggest a combiniation of plugins to manage your SVN repository. Tortoise is a great plugin and makes some of the subversion operations quite easy to carry out, but, I have found a little plugin for Visual Studio that makes SVN management alot easier again.

Its called AnkhSVN and is open source, it integrates directly into the Visual Studio shell and provides a host of useful stuff. You can visually see your code changes as you make them, and review them all before you commit them, you can commit your changes line by line if you chose too. You can set it up to check against the repository before you start making changes to ensure you are working on the latest revision, it handles branching and and multiple versions being committed and just about every operation that you would want to carry out on your SVN server from inside VS.

The advantage of being inside VS and using Ankh is that its all integrated together, the plugin knows where your code is located and what it is dependant on etc, clicking on a change before/after it's committed will take you to that line of code .... and the actual SVN operations can be setup to be almost invisible with a "single click" commit/checkout kind of setup.

Anyway, that just my 2 cents.. SVN is definately something that you will find an advantage in using, whether you go the localhost route or have somewhere like sourceforge host it for you, when you have multiple people working on the same code, manually managing the changes will become a nightmare pretty quickly lol...

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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 09:48
I've got the XML parser up and running and I would like feedback as to what else to do to it. If possible I would like to be added to the sourceforge project not as an admin. My username is basicmonkey.
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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 11:53
How does one access this SVN?
When I follow that link, it gives me this error:

Permission Denied
Access to this page is restricted (either to project members or to project administrators) and you do not meet the requirements to access this page. Please contact the administrator of this project for further assistance.

I am logged in already.

int main(){
if(Self.Milkshake.BringsToYard(Boys.All))return 0;
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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 12:26
Quote: "
SVN (subversion) is a system to allow file management in projects.
There are two main operations:
-Update - this means download the files from the server, and replace any files you did NOT modify with the newer ones from the server
-Commit - this uploads any files you DID modify since your last commit to the server, so everyone else can download the new files.
Every time someone commits something new or modified, the revision number goes up. This means you can always know how up to date your files are, from what revision they are at compared to that on the server.

What we need now if for someone to set a up a directory system (I suggest the directories /bin, /src, /include and /lib, but you may want different folders for different projects)
Then when this directory system has been made locally, commit it.

For anyone who wants to use your own client, here is what you need:
Quote: "svn co darkgdkosp "

TortoiseSVN step by step
1. download tortoiseSVn from, for free
2. install it
3. Create a new folder someone on your computer,
4. go into this folder and right click
5. You should now see an option "SVN Checkout"
6. In "URL of repository", paste this:
Quote: ""
7. You are done!

You should see any files already on the server. Create new files here, right click and choose "Commit" and a dialog appears.
Check the boxes next to the files you want tto commit. New ones will be unchecked by default.
Don't forget to include a short log message so people know what has been committed. This is in the top box when you commit.
You will be prompted for a username and password, this is you sourceforge username and password, and I need to grant you SVN access first, so tell me your sourceforge username (sign up first!!)

Every time you need to update (I suggest you do this before you start working every time), right click and choose update in the root SVN folder.
I will create a basic exemplar fodler structure, but feel free to change it."

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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 14:48
Quote: "as far as i`m aware you can play as many sounds as your memory can handle"

Are you sure you are not thinking of "Fmod", rather than "irrklang".
I do not remember irrklang having a software mixer capability to premix multiple sound streams for 3D sound.
I also remember when testing this capability under Fmod, that it would almost bring a single core CPU based machines to its knees when one would bring up around 120 of 3D sounds.(Athlon 3200+). This sort of CPU and memory intensive operation puts huge loads on a system.

From memory, most modern machines have a hardware capability to support around 36 separate 3D sounds at the one time. Earlier machines have a lower capability.
You should create a sound library initialise function that looks for how many 3D sounds the players machine can support. Then set aside around 20% up to about max of 8 of these sound chanels as unused so that other programs like "TeamSpeak" of other external programs can have access to them. Then of the remainder you should set up different priority groups of sound classes that share inteligently the rest of the resources. Something like a sound arbitration system with things like the following.
Priority 1) gun sounds that are from very close proximity and have the highest priority.
Priority 2) explosion sounds that only activate, from a medium distance.
Priority 3) lowest priority... things like long range vehicle sounds ... etc)
The arbitrator should delegate on an as needs basis the remainder of the 3D channels dynamically to the above classes on an as needs basis.

I don't have access to the machine that I did all the old experimentation on for sound systems, so apologies about not being able to forward all the old code and experiment data, but I am sure you should be able get a reasonable idea about some useful ways of structuring your sound library.
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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 16:26 Edited at: 1st Sep 2009 16:32
i thought you meant just normal 2d sounds , i actually don`t know a great deal about 3d sounds and how they impact the system , although it makes sense that it would overload the system with the distance and rolloff factor checks and such .

when i used to record music i had over 100 tracks of mono audio but that was streaming from disk as well .

I will have to look into the 3d sounds & what impact they have ,perhaps in a game you dont have to use that many 3d sounds , as you can get a very good stereo effect if you are clever .

thanks for the info , i will take that into account , but really im just wrapping the library .


EDIT: I have just looked on the site and found this piece of info

Fast 3D audio on low end hardware: Because some low end audio hardware is not able to play 3D sounds without significant performance loss or some don't support 3d audio buffers at all, irrKlang has a high performance 3d sound buffer emulator built-in, causing a sound experience nearly as it was a real 3d sound buffer.
Multiple rolloff models: irrKlang supports linear as well as logarithmic rolloff.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 17:40 Edited at: 1st Sep 2009 17:41
It may be worth your while to play around with the many code samples using "Fmod" to get a feel for what is going on, and then apply what you find useful to the "irrklang" wrapper. (Fmod is much harder but the samples are very informative)
You have chosen a very interesting area to play with. I am sure you will have a lot of fun.
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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 18:04 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2009 13:45
See UPDATE Posted: 2nd Sep 2009 01:08

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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 19:49
Thank you veddy much.
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2009 09:08 Edited at: 28th Sep 2009 22:30
Moved to page 3.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2009 22:29
I am confused by all of this SVN stuff. I think I need to take a break from open-source projects, all of this is confusing to me, maybe I should stick to closed-source projects and then release them as open-source.

For now, ishould experiment with DarkNet and hopefully learn some networking skills, I did learn some collision from Sparky's Collision DLL.

There are 2 ways to develop for the N64:
1. Develop C code with PsyQ SDK and illegal Nintendo libs
2. Develop C code with legal kits, such as the Ground Zero devkit (
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2009 23:54
What's confusing? This is my first open source project, and it is fairly simple to learn how to use SVN.

1. Download source from SVN (using tortoise right click where you want the source and select SVN checkout, then copy into the repository URL box)
2. Make changes
3. Upload the files you changed (right click in the topmost folder of the project and select SVN commit, put in your username and password and hit OK)
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2009 20:43 Edited at: 3rd Sep 2009 20:57
Quote: "Posted: 25th Aug 2009 03:54 I'm interested in this project, I want to join. I never worked on a group project before, but I am interested in joining.

Bio: Enjoys playing FPS, programming for 6-7 months. Can be lazy at times but usually not too bad. Never worked with GUI's before."

Quote: "I am confused by all of this SVN stuff. I think I need to take a break from open-source projects, all of this is confusing to me, maybe I should stick to closed-source projects and then release them as open-source."

Hang in there with us a lil while longer Potassium. I'm writing docs/articles to help answer questions as they develop and there are others here gladly offering help. I'm learning something new everyday.

Unlike other open source projects, we're collaborating on the development of the engine, editor, and game from the ground up. We're not developing just any generic DGDK Game Engine, but a specifically designed to support any type of game. If one already existed we would be working on a game and it too would still require planning, organization, collaboration, and most of all patience. The question I pose to you is, if you started on a solo project would you have to build it from the ground up?

We have a majority of the parts needed to build the engine with DGDK. However, there are a few parts missing and there's a opportunity to do some R & D. Once we've acquired all the plug-ins to build a functional game engine, we should be able to bolt them together. Once the engine is functional. Then we can start developing Apps and Games with it.

I've never used SVN until now. It took me about a hour of tinkering with it to get the hang of it. Once I "got it", it instantly simplified my ability to distribute and track source files between myself and other Contributors. Can you imagine how confusing it would be trying to manually keep track of all the files between mulitple contributors? each with different skill levels? each located in a different part of world wide web? each working on the project at different times? Until SVN came along I had no strategy for accomplishing this. SVN makes all of this easy.

There are two parts to SVN:

1. SVN Server to store and share files over the internet. It tracks updates to files and who working on them. It sends files and tracking info to Clients.

2. SVN Client you install on your local computer to communicate with SVN Server, storing files in a Windows Directory and displaying the status of the files based on Tracking info.

'Checkout' and 'Update' downloads files & tracking info to the SVN Client from the SVN Server. 'Commit' uploads modified files to SVN Server. The highlight of the system is tracking all the changes. This would be a nightmare to do manually and I was starting to feel it earlier in the project. Its really awesome to update and see all the changes others made automatically. I hope this helps, if not please provide specifics on whats confusing you.

PS: I'm not a big fan of registering on 3 different sites to partake in the project, however, SVN is essential in managing a open source project such as this. To ease the burden of registration for SVN, I will enroll any Contributor that has joined the project via the DOSP Coordinator just leave a note "ADD ME TO SVN". I'll send you an email with your SVN credentials when completed.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2009 21:33
Okay i think I understand better now. I am also learning something new everyday although I used to have learned more. But I know I probably couldn't build a good game engine from ground up, so thats why I joined this project. And when i meant never worked with GUI's, I meant I never created GUI's and instead required the user to type a lot.

And now, I have some confidence to continue on this open-source project!

There are 2 ways to develop for the N64:
1. Develop C code with PsyQ SDK and illegal Nintendo libs
2. Develop C code with legal kits, such as the Ground Zero devkit (
Matty H
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2009 23:14
Quote: " To ease the burden of registration for SVN, I will enroll any Contributor that has joined the project via the DOSP Coordinator just leave a note "ADD ME TO SVN". I'll send you an email with your SVN credentials when completed."

That task is closed now, I think I would need to re-open it to add a note. Anyway, could you email me my username and password please, thanks.

Potassium - I'm finding it all pretty confusing at the moment but I understand a bit more each day, although there is alot of stuff going in that I have no clue about. I've never used a scripting language and dont really know how the XML stuff fits in but I have no doubt that I will learn all this as I go. So if you dont understand everything yet, you are not alone.
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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 00:37
Even though I wrote the XML plugin, I still don't know what it's going to be used for. My guess is that it is going to be used to load settings out of a file (like a config file) for the program or to store data for RPG games.
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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 06:13 Edited at: 4th Sep 2009 06:14
Quote: "That task is closed now, I think I would need to re-open it to add a note. Anyway, could you email me my

username and password please, thanks."

Sorry about that. The Task is reopened for feedback.

Quote: "Potassium - I'm finding it all pretty confusing at the moment but, I understand a bit more each day,

although there is alot of stuff going in that I have no clue about. I've never used a scripting language and

don't really know how the XML stuff fits in but I have no doubt that I will learn all this as I go. So if you

dont understand everything yet, you are not alone."

Perhaps this will shed more light on what plug-ins are needed and why --> Engine Diag.

Also Check Out the Hero Engine A Next Generation Game Engine.

Quote: "Even though I wrote the XML plugin, I still don't know what it's going to be used for. My guess is that it is going to be used to load settings out of a file (like a config file) for the program or to store data for RPG games."
That is correct. XML is very popular for data formatting. A XML Parser Plugin can be used to create various XML-based Data Importer/Exporters. I'm even using for my own Web-based Markup Language for the MAUI "Browser" App.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 09:44
When I try to compile the project under the directory S3GE it gives me an error:
c:\program files\the game creators\dark gdk\darkgdkosp\projects\s3ge\s3ge\s3ge_api.h(33) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua_plugin.h': No such file or directory

How do I get lua_plugin.h ?

int main(){
if(Self.Milkshake.BringsToYard(Boys.All))return 0;
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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 10:10
You have to go to the root of darkGDK to download the SVN. Meaning (using tortoise) go to c:\program files\the game creators\dark gdk\ right click and select SVN Checkout. The file system for DGDKOSP matches that of darkGDK. If that doesn't work, check to see if the include folder of darkGDK has the lua_plugin.h if not, browse through the SVN on the project and then either view the file then copy and paste into a new one (make sure the new one is called lua_plugin.h) and copy that into the include folder, or right click and Save As. You must use the SVN version and not anything that you download off mantis, because the SVN version is the one that is being worked on and updated.
chunks chunks
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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 18:26
hi, i have added the svn tortoise stuff and signed up with the link which was provided & confirmed through my email , but when i go to update the project with my audiolib it ask for my username n pass which i put in but it won`t authenticate it for some reason , any ideas guys .


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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 21:04
Quote: "hi, i have added the svn tortoise stuff and signed up with the link which was provided & confirmed through my email , but when i go to update the project with my audiolib it ask for my username n pass which i put in but it won`t authenticate it for some reason , any ideas guys ."

Same for me, its as though my password might be wrong or something???
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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 21:25
TechLord hasn't added you guys to the project on sourceforge. Tech, [href=]this page:[/href]
Add their usernames.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 23:39
Sorry for the delay, I had to get some rest. mattyhalewood & chunkschunks are added to the project. I also updated the instructions.

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Matty H
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 00:55
TortoiseSVN Setup

Quote: "1. Download tortoiseSVN from, [^] for free
2. Install it.
3. Locate and select the Dark GDK Directory and [Right Click]. (DOSP SVN Directory Structure is aligned to that of the Dark GDK Directory)
4. You should now see an option "SVN Checkout"
5a. In "URL of repository", paste this: [^]
5b. In "Checkout directory", paste the path of the Dark GDK directory. Example: C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\Dark GDK
6. You are done!"

Hi guys, when I right click "Dark GDK" and select SVN checkout I get this:

Quote: "Checkout from, revision HEAD, Fully recursive, Externals included
Can't create directory 'C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\Dark GDK\.svn':
Access is denied."

I am doing it again as I originally checked it out into a different folder on my desktop but that confuses things so I'm now doing it the way I should have done it in the first place.
Anyone know why I cant do it now?
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 01:11 Edited at: 5th Sep 2009 06:17
Is your local Dark GDK folder located in the path above?
What is the path you originally installed it?
Send me a email with the details. thnx

You may also want to search TortoiseSVN help docs/forums.

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chunks chunks
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 02:24 Edited at: 5th Sep 2009 02:37
Its up now and working thankyou , i dont seem to be able to compile the main project its missing some files even after i have updated it.

below is the build output :

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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 02:33
What are the errors and have you checked the "tweaks.txt" file?
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 02:48
I tried to add some code to the code base and i got this error:

What does this mean?

int main(){
if(Self.Milkshake.BringsToYard(Boys.All))return 0;
else return 1; }
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 02:50
Chunks Chunks, I know how to fix that and i tried to fix that error but turtoise svn gave me the error i posted above

int main(){
if(Self.Milkshake.BringsToYard(Boys.All))return 0;
else return 1; }
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 03:20 Edited at: 5th Sep 2009 03:24
@Faker1089 i have fixed it now it was the files what tom put in , they showed up in the project but not in the repository , just removed them .

Update to latest , make sure all your headers are in the right folders and then add them into the latest project and when its compiling and working commit then .

if that fails:

I think best thing to do for you is remove all the dosp files from your gdk directory re-install tortoise and then re-download or redo the svn checkout,that will prolly fix your issues.


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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 07:28
When I try to open the engine project, I get this error:

The following error has occurred during XML parsing:

File: C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\Dark GDK\darkgdkosp\Projects\S3GE\S3GE\S3GE.vcproj
Line: 272
Column: 2
Error Message:
Illegal qualified name character.

The file 'C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\Dark GDK\darkgdkosp\Projects\S3GE\S3GE\S3GE.vcproj' has failed to load.

What happened?

int main(){
if(Self.Milkshake.BringsToYard(Boys.All))return 0;
else return 1; }
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 07:56
Delete the S3GE.vcproj file and update again.
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 08:01
Can people please stop uploading the following files to the SVN:
'Debug' folder
Intellisense database (S3GE.ncb)

They do nothing and they cause problems if you have compiled an executable since the last revision (and for those of us who are still in the dark ages for internet it takes forever to download). Just add them to the ignore list for tortoise.
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 09:35
I think that was me , i have now removed them much quicker thanks.


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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 09:45
It might have been, but other people were doing it too. They just get re-created anyway, so there's no sense in uploading an extra 20 mb that's only gonna get reset when they do something to the source.
Matty H
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 12:20
Ive sorted my "Access is denied" problem, it was because of User Account Control on Vista.
Just turned it off an it worked fine.
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 13:51
So when are we going to start assigning tasks to each other so we can get this engine built?

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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 15:31
looks like its starting to come together , there is still some more functions i need to add for the audio i just wanted to play with svn/tortoise i like it lol.


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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 22:41
Right i have finished the audio plugin , how about another task ,has anyone started the particles yet? .

I was gonna integrate magic particles but its not quite ready yet + you have to use their editor .

I will look into doing a system for myself and adding that in so any ideas are most welcome .


nvidia geforce 9500gt + amd athlon 64
windows vista ultimate.

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