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Dark GDK / DGDK Open Source Project

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Posted: 11th Sep 2009 13:16 Edited at: 11th Sep 2009 19:03
Quote: "I think someone should write a lua wrapper for this project for 3 reasons , barnskis will only compile in debug and you can`t register gdks functions yet + you can add things in thats specific to this project ,unless you can get him onboard to update it or get the source .

If no one wants to do this i will have a go , just need to do some reading to see if its possible for me."
Chunks Chunks I'm looking into integrating LUA directly. I'm writing another plugin DarkLUA (Dark Moon - hehe). I intended to use Barnski's and had DarkLUA running for the most part. However, other issues with using it are surfacing and I would prefer more control at a lower level.

I found a decent article here on integrating LUA w/ VC++. This will put a small delay (2-4 days) on getting the DarkLUA working. I have to get this functioning to assist Faker with this Task.

I can use any assistance you have to offer on it. I'll update SVN with what I currently written and we discuss it here.

[EDIT]One of my first DBPro projects was an attempt at writting a BASIC Syntax Scripting Engine (Compiler/VM) in DBPro: DarkMachine. I reckon I'm gonna have to rehearse my efforts with it to get a grip on a LUA implementation.

Trapped inside the DGDK Open Source Project.
Matty H
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Posted: 11th Sep 2009 20:59
Quote: "There is a problem compiling S3GE in release mode. It works ok in debug mode, but in release mode there are some errors with the physics stuff. "

Yes you're right, when Chunks Chunks changed the project properties(see above) it was only changed for debug mode, strange thing is that when I do the same for release mode I get linker errors.

I am not very good at all the linking, including, defining etc..
I will look into it again tomorrow when I have more time.

Sorry about this.
Matty H
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Posted: 13th Sep 2009 16:57
Quote: "This application has failed to start because irrKlang.dll was not found."

I fixed this last time as the dll was in the media/dll folder but now its empty, anyone know what happened to it?
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Posted: 14th Sep 2009 01:52
Techlord deleted it in revision 45. I don't know if it was on accident or not.
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Posted: 14th Sep 2009 06:52 Edited at: 14th Sep 2009 06:59
Quote: "Techlord deleted it in revision 45. I don't know if it was on accident or not."
Sorry about that, it was an accident.

I'm almost complete with integrating LUA 5.1.4 for Windows into DarkLUA. Just a few bumps with registering functions for call from script, but, overall the integration is going smooth. Once complete, I'll direct my efforts to helping Faker with network. I believe we can consolidate the testing of all systems and plug-ins inside the main.cpp with this test.

PS: There are still several contributors who have not provided me a SourceForge SVN registration request or username. Without the SVN account it will be difficult to contribute to the project.

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Posted: 14th Sep 2009 21:25 Edited at: 14th Sep 2009 21:35
Just so that it's on the forum, the doxygen commenting style listed in the S3GE_API.html is off a little. It's '-# Input:' not '-Input'. There also must be a new line (a * with nothing following it) between the description and the plug-in lines, and also between the last input parameter and the '-# Output:' line. I noticed some new code that follows the html file way, and it doesn't format right with doxygen 1.6.1.
chunks chunks
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Posted: 15th Sep 2009 15:47
@techlord like the script stuff i see you managed to do it and make it register functions .

I couldn`t get the wiimote lib to work with gdk (works in console fine), so i found a dbpro plugin on this forum and i made some functions to call the commands from the dll .

It means having a couple of extra dlls but you need dlls for audio and physics so i thought it wouldn`t matter , just need to ask the owner of the plugin whether i can use it this way in this project ,i can`t see there being a problem though seeing as its free prolly just wants credit for it .


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Matty H
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Posted: 15th Sep 2009 19:45
Quote: "Quote: "This application has failed to start because irrKlang.dll was not found."

I fixed this last time as the dll was in the media/dll folder but now its empty, anyone know what happened to it? "

Quote: "Quote: "Techlord deleted it in revision 45. I don't know if it was on accident or not."
Sorry about that, it was an accident."

Can someone put it back please lol, I am stuck without it at the moment. Also, if you can, put it where the solution needs it to be, that way it wont be a problem next time.
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Posted: 15th Sep 2009 20:05
Well, i just read through this entire topic, and what you guys are gonna do sounds really nice. So as some sort of contribution, if you ever need a moddeler, I will be open.

But go on with this project guys, it will really be awesome.

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Posted: 15th Sep 2009 21:28
Quote: "
Can someone put it back please lol, I am stuck without it at the moment."

I will put it back and also add some other DLL's that I had to get to run the program.
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Posted: 15th Sep 2009 22:39 Edited at: 15th Sep 2009 22:40
Quote: "Well, i just read through this entire topic, and what you guys are gonna do sounds really nice. So as some sort of contribution, if you ever need a moddeler, I will be open."

Welcome Isocadia, I could currently use some assistance with R&D modelling for MECS Model Pack Plugin.


I'm writing a Code Wizard Utility that will automate adding binding functions for c++ to lua script. When completed I'm off to assist Faker1089 w/ Networking and Isocadia w/ MECS R&D.

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Matty H
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Posted: 16th Sep 2009 01:12
Nice one faker.

I have fixed it so it will now compile in release mode.
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Posted: 16th Sep 2009 06:07
Thank you matty, everything works now. *Sigh* I guess I should step it up on the network stuff.
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Posted: 16th Sep 2009 17:40
@Techlord: Well, i think i could be doing that, but I have some questions, for the connecting parts, are there like rules, like that the upper arm connector needs to have 8 vertices or something, or can i just go free moddeling and make sure that they can be attached easly. And for the lua, nice of intergrating that, have some good experience with Lua since i scripted alot of bosses for my private server, so I could do some scripting.

And is it possible for me to get on the site with a real account and download the SVN or is that prohibited to devlopers only???


PS: To clarify my explanation of the moddel, If the lower arm connecter has 8 vertices, does the upper arm connector also ned 8 vertices and do they need to be in the same place??
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Posted: 16th Sep 2009 20:44
Quote: "And is it possible for me to get on the site with a real account and download the SVN or is that prohibited to devlopers only???"

SVN Update is available to everyone. SVN commit requires login.

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Posted: 16th Sep 2009 20:54
@Jezza: Oke, it is just that I would love to see what you have done so far, so i'm gonna install it right now.
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Posted: 17th Sep 2009 10:04 Edited at: 17th Sep 2009 10:07
Quote: "@Techlord: Well, i think i could be doing that, but I have some questions, for the connecting parts, are there like rules, like that the upper arm connector needs to have 8 vertices or something, or can i just go free moddeling and make sure that they can be attached easly...PS: To clarify my explanation of the moddel, If the lower arm connecter has 8 vertices, does the upper arm connector also ned 8 vertices and do they need to be in the same place??"
This is were the R&D will come into play in developing how the system works, file formats, etc. The goals are to 1) give artist creative freedom in creating parts, 2) simplify app creation for assembling the parts, 3) let the plug-in do a bulk of the work.

To achieve these goals the system should support meshes of various shape and size with only requiring connecting joints to use some `labeling standard` for animation purposes. Matching vertices will simplify alignment of mesh seams, but, this be only a recommendation not a requirement.

To automatically compensate for mismatches, the plug-in could include a number of post processing abilities for welding seams, gluing joints, blending textures, and morphing on demand within the game engine. Such features could be used to create single mesh entities from the parts.

Quote: "And for the lua, nice of intergrating that, have some good experience with Lua since i scripted alot of bosses for my private server, so I could do some scripting."

It was surprisingly easy to integrate. My Code Wizard utility will simplify binding C++ to LUA and could be used for other purposes.

Quote: "And is it possible for me to get on the site with a real account and download the SVN or is that prohibited to devlopers only???"
Please provide me your username so I can add you to the SVN Project.

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chunks chunks
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Posted: 17th Sep 2009 17:53
please tell us more about the Code Wizard utility , sounds interesting .


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Posted: 17th Sep 2009 19:14
Quote: "please tell us more about the Code Wizard utility , sounds interesting ."

Sorry, its a surprise so I will not give away too many details. But in a nutshell it will take a list of C++ function prototypes and generate `darklua_catalog` that contains the associated binding functions for LUA.

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Posted: 17th Sep 2009 19:27 Edited at: 17th Sep 2009 20:34
Well techlord, right now I still have a question, right now in your post, you showed us how to make like the arm, but have you finished the rest, like houses,guns,full bodys,trees etc?? Or are you still trying to make a good wayt of connecting them ( this because if you have all the plans laid out and usable, I can start moddeling some houses, else I will just make 1 part houses and maybe later break them up. )


Edit: When trying to compile it says that it can't find lua.h, even though it is in the include folder, is there something wrong with the properties of my comp or is it something else??
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Posted: 17th Sep 2009 23:43 Edited at: 18th Sep 2009 00:26
Quote: "Well techlord, right now I still have a question, right now in your post, you showed us how to make like the arm, but have you finished the rest, like houses,guns,full bodys,trees etc?? Or are you still trying to make a good wayt of connecting them ( this because if you have all the plans laid out and usable, I can start moddeling some houses, else I will just make 1 part houses and maybe later break them up. )"
Nope, I haven't finished the rest (thats where the R&D comes in). You can practically break-up everything you see into a group of parts. You could even go further and break those parts into a smaller ones, so on and so forth.

Head {eyes nose, lips, ears}
tree{trunk, limbs, leaves, fruit}
car{wheels(x3+), frame, etc...}

The MECS definition format defines how a part or group of parts connect. The artist defines the mesh and connectors. The funny thing is, that I designed the system based on Toy Construction Sets (ie: legos, Knex, tinker toy, meccano, etc). The system is design to be flexible so if we haven't created a definition in the base library, users can create their own.

I honestly haven't taken the time to visualize and breakdown the parts needed to make up structures and buildings, but, there are architecture construction packs out there to stimulate . Change the mesh style, textures, maps, shaders, animations. Thats the whole point of MECs, create a massive assortment of 3D Entities from smaller 3D parts. If you can do it for RPG characters (which are the hardest type of 3D Entities to produce), why not every thing else? Why not produce Model Part Packs to support this type of 3D Entity construction?

What motivated MECS was that 1) I suck at modeling; and 2)I didnt want the same models packs in my game that others were using, so why not create a standard model parts system where folks could mix and match high quality parts, animations, etc to create a unique or pseudo-unique characters?

Of course you want high quality & unique models for your game. Of course you may want a in-game editor to customize your entities with said parts. Of course you may want smooth connections and alignment of parts. Of course you may want to create a library of static/dynamic entities for your game. Of course you want to animate your entities. Of course you want to create model packs for this system and make money. Of course you may specialize in just a certain part of the human anatomy as a 3D artist. Of course you want a standardized format supported by every 3D Editor in existence. Of course you want a plug-in to plug it into every GDGK engine ever conceived.

These were the motivations behind MECS.
Quote: "
Edit: When trying to compile it says that it can't find lua.h, even though it is in the include folder, is there something wrong with the properties of my comp or is it something else??"

I struggle with the setup myself. Ensure the `lua5.1.lib` is also in script_plugin filter. Others may have better suggestions.

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Posted: 18th Sep 2009 20:09
@Techlord: It is inside that folder, really wierd that it can't find it..... Well I hope you will be able to fix this. And for the MECS, I sorta started on a design on my own for making houses, hope i will get it to work.
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Posted: 18th Sep 2009 23:09 Edited at: 18th Sep 2009 23:11
Isocadia, this is what my S3GE project folder looks like(attached).
Is yours missing anything?

While we are on the subject, the way we are adding files does not seem to be consistant and the project should compile straight away without any messing.

Also I was wondering how important it is to have DOSP in the DarkGDK folder, I think it is confusing that way. Would it not be better to have it separate with a folder for all our includes, one for all the libs etc.. this would also help Vista users as you cannot change files in the DarkGDK(program files) folder without turning off user account control.

Lastly, when we type in S3GE:: the inteli-sense gives us tons of functions, was the idea not to have them put into their own namespaces or classes, then when you type S3GE:: you just get a few options:


Then the functions stem from this?


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chunks chunks
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Posted: 18th Sep 2009 23:41
it needs some one to organize it and then upload it again , wow do you use uac it`s so annoying popping up all the time , i agree that each plugin should have its own namespace .


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Posted: 19th Sep 2009 03:03 Edited at: 19th Sep 2009 08:28
I think the idea was to have all of the functions part of the S3GE namespace. I have to laugh at all of the Vista users problems because Microsoft did such a bad job on that version of windows (I am not even going to think about Windows 7). The only good thing was DirectX 10, 10.1, and 11 that would be worth the upgrade. I use XP Pro and have had no issues with the current folder arrangement. Sorry Techlord, but I am thinking that having all of the functions in one namespace that are not absolute core functions is going to make it very hard to find and update code and difficult to use (especially when we get the 30 or more plug-ins that are going to be needed/wanted). If we do what Baja engine did and only allow lua scripting as the main coding language it might work better.

OK, I have finally gotten the network stuff to work and start getting a test file, now it's giving an error:
Quote: "An error occurred in mnGetStringC(allocate own memory and return) whilst getting data from a packet. The end of the packet was reached before all the data could be extracted from the packet..."

I figured that I would have to resize the packet, but when I do, it still gives me this error. I have uploaded the network code again, and the file info for the one I am trying to get.
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Posted: 19th Sep 2009 09:46 Edited at: 19th Sep 2009 09:47
My folder looks exactly the same, when looking in the project through VS C++ express all the files that are needed are there, it just can't find it, even if it is in the programm.
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Posted: 19th Sep 2009 11:15 Edited at: 19th Sep 2009 11:22
Well, I guess there needs to be some work on the files, but now i'm gonna make some houses, I finished the layout I'm gonna work with and maybe others will be able to work with it.


Edit: Techlord, I send you my sourceforge name through mail, but if it didn't arrive, here it is: Isocadia
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Posted: 19th Sep 2009 15:26
have you updated your revision through svn to the latest i think its around rev 50 that might fix your problems .


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Posted: 19th Sep 2009 17:58 Edited at: 20th Sep 2009 00:36
Isocadia you're added to SVN. Note that we are currently storing all media in the Media Folder. You may have to add a folder for 3D Objects and subfolders for categories. Also check your project include directory, you may not have added the need include directory folder.

Quote: "c:program filesthe game creatorsdark gdkprojectss3ges3geS3GE_API.h(43) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wii_wrapper.h': No such file or directory
Wii wrapper missing as of Rev 51.

It seems folks are having trouble with S3GE API. I'm not sure why, but, the idea behind is to provide a generic wrapper for all plug-ins acting as the engine glue. By definition, the plug-in should be self contained and thus capable of being removed, replace, modified with very little visible changes to the wrapper.

If you extend a plug-in, you may have to write an extension plug-in on top of it and then wrap that with S3GE. For example I'm extending the LUA Plug --> DarkLUA --> S3GE::script. S3GE is generic. If I wanted to replace LUA with GameMonkey Script the S3GE commands should remain in tact, minimizing conflict for contributors interfacing to S3GE::script commands.

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Posted: 20th Sep 2009 09:38
Right now i'm at rev. 51. And thanks for adding me, i will start right away. But you guys should now, i'm sorta the guy that like to make a subfolder for everything. But i will try to keep it to a minimum.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2009 09:21
I have discovered that following the Dark Net demo code for an HTTP file get command, that it cannot handle file sizes larger than the size of the "char *" variable (using a sizeof() command would give the exact size). This is getting to be rather difficult to do (way more than the XML parser by a ton).

I am thinking that now would be a good time to say that between October 10 through the first or second week of January I will not be able to work on this project at all because I joined the US Marine Corps back in June and I will be at basic training between these dates. I was hoping to avoid any large or important coding jobs due to this, and I really haven't done too much for the network stuff because I have been getting ready to leave. Fortunately my job in the Marine Corps will be networking and programming, so as soon as I have completed my schooling for that I will be able to do much more than I can now. I will try to help out whenever I can, but right now I am a little busy. Sorry if this lets anyone down, but I can't back out of my contract without either getting injured (and getting off due to disability) or going to jail (and getting big fines). I really wanted to do more on this project, but it didn't work out that way.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2009 10:29 Edited at: 21st Sep 2009 10:38
Faker1089 your current contributions are greatly appreciated and I will be making heavy use of the XML Parser. I'll immediately start work on the networking as soon as I complete DarkLua utility. I anticipate the project will be here when you're able to return. Good luck to you in the Marine Corp.

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Posted: 21st Sep 2009 18:28
Well, I got a question, how do I add files to the SVN??

chunks chunks
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Posted: 21st Sep 2009 20:02
copy the files into the required folder and right click, goto the TORTOISEsvn menu and then select add its got a blue + sign next to it , when you have finished adding all the files you can then committ and that will update the svn .


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Posted: 23rd Sep 2009 10:12 Edited at: 23rd Sep 2009 13:23
Hi chunks chunks, I noticed in the Coordinator you're working on the Channelized Image Map Processor (CHIMP) and that's awesome! Its inspired by TextureMAX and unfortunately theres no freely available system to match it. But, its great opportunity to develop a even more powerful plug-in for S3GE.

The principles behind TextureMax make it a very unique application and API. Using the TextureMax application you can separate your images into channels then apply different colours to each channel adding instant variation to your media. I desire to expand on this principle allowing users to apply different `image effect filters` to each channel.

When I was designing CHIMP, I desired to use a 2D image app like GIMP instead of writing a special editor. The reasons for this is 1) I'm lazy; 2) there are several free 2D image apps that support layers and simplify drawing such maps. Using such 2D image apps such as Photoshop, GIMP others, also gave me the idea of applying colors and image effects. I also realized that channelized images could possibly be used to apply multiple shaders to one image.

I would enjoy discussion on the design and development of CHIMP and will provide any assistance I can when possible. Just to recap on what I'm currently doing. I'm currently writing a utility that will take a list prototype functions, automatically generate LUA binding functions, and build the DarkLUA catalog. I could have written a simple Utility Application in one day, but, elected to write a more elaborate Utility Application that could be used for other purposes. This tool should speed up writing code and documentation.

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Posted: 24th Sep 2009 11:54
to be honest i have not started it yet , ive been a little busy writing a dll for somebody .

Anyways i think i will buy texture max to see how it works seeing as though its not expensive , and that should give me an idea on what is needed + your explanation , i will get in touch if i have any problems might take some time though because i want this to work well , plus it might be worth while making a dll too for the dbpro users which i can do in a snap once the codes done .


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Posted: 28th Sep 2009 22:43 Edited at: 28th Sep 2009 22:43

Just wanted to say welcome to all new Contributors. To fully participate in the distribution of source, a SourceForge Username & Password will be required. You will also need to provide me the SourceForge Username so I can add you can access the Project's Source Version Control. There are several Contributors who have yet to provide a username.

If you don't already have a SourceForge Account it can be obtained To ease the burden of registration for SVN, I will enroll any Contributor that has joined the project via the DOSP Coordinator just leave a note "ADD ME TO SVN". I'll send you an email with your SVN credentials when completed.

SVN Basics

There are two parts to SVN:

1. SVN Server to store and share files over the internet. It tracks updates to files and who working on them. It sends files and tracking info to Clients.

2. SVN Client you install on your local computer to communicate with SVN Server, storing files in a Windows Directory and displaying the status of the files based on Tracking info.

There are two main Client operations:

Update - this means download the files from the server, and replace any files you did NOT modify with the newer ones from the server.

Commit - this uploads any files you DID modify since your last commit to the server, so everyone else can download the new files. Note: Every time someone commits something new or modified, the revision number goes up. This means you can always know how up to date your files are, from what revision they are at compared to that on the server.

You can view SVN files online via SourceForge To communicate with the SVN Server you will need a SVN Client. TortoiseSVN and AnkhSVN (optional) come highly recommended, but, you can also use your own.

TortoiseSVN Setup

1. Download tortoiseSVN from, for free.
2. Install it.
3. Locate and select the Dark GDK Directory and [Right Click]. (DOSP SVN Directory Structure is aligned to that of the Dark GDK Directory)
4. You should now see an option "SVN Checkout".
5a. In "URL of repository", paste this:

5b. In "Checkout directory", paste the path of the Dark GDK directory. Example:
6. You are done!

For anyone who wants to use your own client, here is what you need:

How to use TortoiseSVN

Warning: It is highly recommended that Contributors, [Right Click] and choose Update in the root SVN Directory before starting any work.

The Directory Structure of DOSP is aligned with that of Dark GDKon my local workstation. There may be slight differences in your file structure. SVN will add and update matching files. The "Projects" Directory contains the VC++ Project Trio: S3GE (Engine), S3GEd (Editor), & S3GW (Super 3D Game World: The Game). All associated Libs, Includes, Media etc for the project, etc are filed in the applicable directories. The "Media" Directory will be used as the primary repository for all media assets for Applications and Games developed within the Projects.

You can create Directories and Files like you normally do. A question mark ? overlays their icons. A Directory with this ? means that the Directory itself or some files within it have not been Added for commitment to SVN Server. Files with the ? have not been added. You will need to Add these directories & files in order to commit them to the SVN Server for everyone else to see. In some cases, you may not want to commit the directory/file to this SVN Server, leaving it in this state is harmless but its recommended that it be added to the ignore list (see details below).

To Add Directories and Files, [Right Click] and select TortoiseSVN -> Add. You can select one more directories and files to add at once. Warning: Tortoise will only display file extensions without names, thus its tricky to know what files are being added. I'm not sure if this is bug or a setting I failed to turned on.

Once files have been Added, a plus sign + overlays the icon. If you modify files a exclamation mark ! overlays the icon. Both icons mean the directory/file are ready to be committed. To commit, [Right Click] anywhere in the view and select SVN Commit to update the SVN server. When you commit changes please a short log message so people know what has been committed. This is in the top box when you commit. You will also be prompted for a username and password, this is you sourceforge username and password.

There will be local and Directories/Files that you don't desire to commit to SVN server. To omit these Directories/Files highlight them and [Right Click], select TortoiseSVN -> Add to Ignore List.

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2009 00:19
Just added a few files so if something is broke all of a sudden its my fault lol, should be fine though.

I needed to add a dll(NxCooking) to the S3GE project, I really don't understand what dll's are and where I am supposed to put them so if you see any physics stuff out of place, feel free to correct it. Just let me know if you do so I know where everything is, thanks DOSPers.

Physics update:
Crawling along really due to other commitments, if anyone wants to help wrapping PhysX then let me know, there are loads of jobs to do. I have basic shapes where I want them, I am currently working on triangle meshes for terrain etc, got one eye on BlitzTerrain, let me know if anyone is thinking of other terrain plug-ins.

Happy DOSPing DOSPers.
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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 07:35 Edited at: 5th Oct 2009 07:37
Hi matty,

I'm really looking forward to physics demo. Are you going to integrate a demo into the main.cpp?

I've been `crawling along` on DOSP as well, mostly due to a variety of life-style changes, but, I expect to pick up the pace here within the week. Progress has been slow, but, constant on the Text Processing utility. I'm at a point where I'm ready to add the primary features. I've also learned a few more tricks. When I'm complete with the utility, I'm going to pickup the networking where Faker1089 left off. This will push out work on the GUI a lil further.

Although, it may not appear to be much of an game `engine` at the moment, we have a significant number core of plug-ins in place. I intend to start snapping the plug-ins together as soon as I get the networking functioning. In the interim, I would like to see contributors who aren't currently working on anything, take on the unassigned R&D Tasks in the DOSP Coordinator -OR- if you have ideas, lets discuss them.

Trapped inside the DGDK Open Source Project.
Matty H
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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 13:56
I will integrate what I have done into the demo, at the moment the physics updates the GDK objects, so the physics object would need to spin and then that would automatically spin the GDK object, not sure how that would work with the script. Although eventually, the GDK objects will be able to update the physics actors as well.

Another cool thing I added is the physX debugger, it is in the tools folder, this will show you your physics objects, making it easier to visualise what going on collision/physics wise. This runs every time at the moment which is causing a slight delay when you run the project, I will fix it so you turn the debugger on or off when you set the physics up.
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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 17:45
Okay, so I reupdated the DOSP folder. And when trying to compile, i got messages that everything in the include/ lib folders outside of the project folder were missing, so I included them through properties manager and I didn't get messages that said that I could not find an .h file. But when linking it says that it could not load the physicsloader.lib file.

It's not that I'm complaining, but can someone explain me why its not working, cause I would like to see it working.

PS: At my place, its located under D:\\01 data\\09 projects\\DOSP\\
Tried it in the normal projects folder in my documents but even there it does not work.

PPS: And what I find wierd to, is that it couldn't locate files that where include in the scource folders, so there should be no reason why he can't find them..... very wierd.

Matty H
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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 18:02
@Isocadia - go to Project->S3GE Properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input

In the "Additional Dependancies" does it have PhysXLoader.lib NxCooking.lib ?

Can everyone else update and see if there are any problems, thanks.
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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 18:28 Edited at: 5th Oct 2009 18:29
Yes, and where I included external folders right now it says this ( in manager:

else I get error messages of missing .h files.

And build log is this:

so i really hope that someon can help me, cause i really would like to get this thing working.

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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 19:16
I think the problem might be because you have to setup the project in the DarkGDK folder. The whole thing is designed to be downloaded into C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\DarkGDK\ or whichever drive your windows installation is on.
Matty H
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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 23:00
@Isocadia-I'm almost certain I know what the problem is.

Go to Project->S3GE Properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++
In the "Additional Include Directories" should have:
C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\Dark GDK\Include\PhysX_include

The problem you have is that this address for "PhysX_include" is not correct for your computer, you need to change it to what it is on your computer. Be careful that you dont commit your new settings as it will break it for everyone.

There must be a way for me to change that address to a relative address but I'm not sure how, anyone?
Mista Wilson
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Posted: 6th Oct 2009 04:45
Quote: "There must be a way for me to change that address to a relative address but I'm not sure how, anyone?"

There should be an environment variable for the DarkGDK installation folder... (you can just create one on your pc if it doesnt exist) something like(or a different folder if you are using something different) :

DARKGDK_INSTALL=C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\DarkGDK

Get everybody to create an environment variable(you could have it create the env var as part of the setup when you get to that stage, probably easiest) that can be used to check where the GDK install folder is. Environment variables can be created through the "System Properties" applet, on the "Advanced" tab (in windows XP, not sure on vista or win7)

Then in Tools->Options->Projects & Solutions->VC++ Directories... you would add the env var into the settings(include and library) like so :




The thing would be to make sure that everybody is able to and knows how to create the environment variable and use it, at least until you get to the stage of having an installer to do it for you.

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Posted: 6th Oct 2009 17:05 Edited at: 6th Oct 2009 17:06
Well, just so I will always be able to commit my folder, i was wondering. Do I need to apply the SVN checkout on the darkgdk folder, or make a folder in there and do an SVN checkout in there??


PS: Maybe it is helpfull to say on the how to install page that you need to do it on the darkGDK folder ( or maybe its already there and i missed it xD )
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Posted: 7th Oct 2009 10:28
I'm also struggling with getting the paths to directories and files to work within C++ code itself. I'm using <fstream> template class to read and write files to specified directories. I would expect to be able to use `../` to go UP one directory from the current and open the test file:

But, for unknown reasons the file open fails. However, if i place the file in the current directory (same as the executable), it successfully opens the file:

I missing something terribly simple. Any help appreciated.

Trapped inside the DGDK Open Source Project.
Mista Wilson
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Posted: 7th Oct 2009 12:25
@Techlord - Here are a bunch of methods I pulled out of DXUT. They are the ones that DXUT uses to search for media files in various places. You can see how they are working quite easily and modify the search path etc....

Hope it helps

I pulled all the painful UNICODE junk(the parts that make it incompatible with GDK anyway) out of the methods. Im fairly sure these are the working ones, but you will need to double check the syntax and includes if you want to use them as is. Otherwise just pull the bits that you need out(its Microsoft's code, straight from DXUT with minor modification by me to remove unicode deps.)

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Matty H
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Posted: 7th Oct 2009 16:13
Quote: "Well, just so I will always be able to commit my folder, i was wondering. Do I need to apply the SVN checkout on the darkgdk folder, or make a folder in there and do an SVN checkout in there??


It is the actual darkGDK folder.

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