Welp, I need to get my 3D skills back in shape (been working on 2D projects for the past 6 months). I also recently bought Luke Ahearn's book on 3D Game Textures, and needed something to apply them in. As well, I wanted to try working with modularity style of development. And this all funnels down to this scene...
A (soon to be) cartoonish 1950's make-shift bunker. Now albeit, this first render only has place holder textures, it'll hopefully give you an idea on the final product. I'm going to replace the light concrete on the floor with a wood plank texture, the dark concrete on the floor with some diamond plate, but keep the walls and ceiling a concrete texture.
And now, I am attempting to recreate the same scene except using modular pieces.
And now as a disclaimer, I didn't use a real modeling app to create this yet, so far I've only used 3D World Studio (a CSG type program). But after I complete it in 3DWS, I'm going to see how hard/long it will take me to do the same thing in XSI Mod Tool (still don't have enough cash to afford Modo, or XSI, or 3ds Max). I also think this is extremely bland (and not just because of the textures) I suppose I am just lacking in the creativity department (which is an obvious problem, but I really don't like programming).
Anyway, enough blabbering, C&C greatly appreciated.