Ive been looking at generating sounds recently, without media. The main reason for this was that my interest was sparked by reading through the DBPro Coding challenges thread.
Alot of the entries in there for games and even some others, use various methods of generating sounds without media. The most common, and what I see as the easiest, being with memblocks.
I spent a little bit of time looking around and found a few different snippets for generating sounds, but one in particular grabbed my attention. It is very simple, just 1 function, with alot of parameters. It was originall written by Ric in the DBPro forums, with input from alot of other forums members, credits are in the code.
Im posting this with the idea that people may find it useful if they are looking to enter the GDK coding challenges, or even if their next project requires some simple beeps and buzzes, more efficient to generate them than to take up diskspace storing them.
Here is the code, it contains a bunch of examples of creating different sounds and a simple demo to play them :
//DBPro Sound Creator by Ric, and:
//Mista Wilson - DarkGDK Port(code below)
//Tommy S - Original waveform code
//Green Gandalf - Memblock format
//Lampton Worm - Load/Save format
//Lampton Worm/Raven - Real time parameter editor
//Xtom - GUI/parameter editor
#include "DarkGDK.h"
void createsound(char* name, int soundnumber, float frequency, float length, float loudness, float bend,
float decay, float vibratospeed, float vibratodepth, float tremelospeed, float tremelodepth, float attack);
// the main entry point for the application is this function
void DarkGDK ( void )
dbColorBackdrop(0, dbRGB(60, 40, 120));
createsound("sound effect",1,2995,2000,8000,0.02,0.1,0.60,3,0.64,5,10);
createsound("bass hit",9,30,50,16000,0.00,1.5,.0,0,0,0,100);
createsound("door knock",11,200,20,8000,.1,4.0,2.1,10,9.2,9.2,10);
createsound("vinyl scratch",12,500,80,8000,0.06,0.2,.1,0,0,0,10);
createsound("bubble burst",17,50,80,6000,-.4,2.0,0.1,10,1.2,0.2,10);
// our main loop
while ( LoopGDK ( ) )
dbText(0, 0,"Press keys 1 upwards:");
dbText(0, 20,"1: sound effect");
dbText(0, 40,"2: explosion1");
dbText(0, 60,"3: explosion2");
dbText(0, 80,"4: powerup");
dbText(0, 100,"5: warning");
dbText(0, 120,"6: vibrato");
dbText(0, 140,"7: bass hit");
dbText(0, 160,"8: hihat");
dbText(0, 180,"9: door knock");
dbText(0, 200,"0: vinyl scratch");
dbText(0, 220,"-: cowbell");
dbText(0, 240,"+: bubble burst");
if(dbKeyState(2) == 1) { dbPlaySound(1); dbWait(300); }
if(dbKeyState(3) == 1) { dbPlaySound(2); dbWait(300); }
if(dbKeyState(4) == 1) { dbPlaySound(3); dbWait(300); }
if(dbKeyState(5) == 1) { dbPlaySound(4); dbWait(300); }
if(dbKeyState(6) == 1) { dbPlaySound(5); dbWait(300); }
if(dbKeyState(7) == 1) { dbPlaySound(6);dbPlaySound(7);dbPlaySound(8); dbWait(300); }
if(dbKeyState(8) == 1) { dbPlaySound(9); dbWait(300); }
if(dbKeyState(9) == 1) { dbPlaySound(10); dbWait(300); }
if(dbKeyState(10) == 1) { dbPlaySound(11); dbWait(300); }
if(dbKeyState(11) == 1) { dbPlaySound(12); dbWait(300); }
if(dbKeyState(12) == 1) { dbPlaySound(13);dbPlaySound(14);dbPlaySound(15);dbPlaySound(16);dbWait(300); }
if(dbKeyState(13) == 1) { dbPlaySound(17); dbWait(300); }
// update the screen
dbSync ( );
// return back to windows
// Memblock sound creation function - ported from DBPro by Paul A Wilson
void createsound(char* name, int soundnumber, float frequency, float length, float loudness, float bend, float decay,
float vibratospeed, float vibratodepth, float tremelospeed, float tremelodepth, float attack)
WORD outWord = 0;
int outInteger = 0;
DWORD dword1;
DWORD dword2;
DWORD dword3;
DWORD dword4;
DWORD dword5;
DWORD dword6;
DWORD dword7;
int samples = ((length / 1000) * 44100);
if(dbMemblockExist(1)) dbDeleteMemblock(1);
dbMakeMemblock(1, samples * 2 + 28);
//write 28 memblock header bytes
dword1 = 1; // gg query: is this the number of channels?
dword2 = 2; // gg query: is this the number of bytes per sample?
dword3 = 22050; // gg query: seems to be half the number of samples per second - why?
dword4 = 88200; // gg query: is this the number of bytes per second?
dword5 = 4; // gg query: what does this represent?
dword6 = 16; // gg query: (ditto) ?
dword7 = 0; // gg query: (ditto) ?
int position = 0;
dbWriteMemblockDword(1, position, dword1); position += 4;
dbWriteMemblockDword(1, position, dword2); position += 4;
dbWriteMemblockDword(1, position, dword3); position += 4;
dbWriteMemblockDword(1, position, dword4); position += 4;
dbWriteMemblockDword(1, position, dword5); position += 4;
dbWriteMemblockDword(1, position, dword6); position += 4;
dbWriteMemblockDword(1, position, dword7); position += 4;
//rem generate and write wave
float theta = 0;
float phi = 0;
float fallinloudness = loudness;
float riseinloudness = loudness;
for(int x = 1; x <= samples; ++x)
outInteger = (int)(dbSin(( x / 122.5) * (frequency + vibratodepth * dbSin(theta))) * (loudness - fallinloudness - riseinloudness + tremelodepth * dbSin(phi))) * 3.0;
if(outInteger < -32767) outInteger = -32767; // gg query: is this the valid range?
if(outInteger > 32767) outInteger = 32767; // gg query: (ditto) ?
outWord = outInteger;
theta += vibratospeed;
phi += tremelospeed;
frequency -= bend;
if(fallinloudness < loudness)
fallinloudness += decay;
if(riseinloudness > 0)
riseinloudness -= attack;
dbWriteMemblockWord(1, position, outWord); position += 2;
if(dbSoundExist(soundnumber) == 1) dbDeleteSound(soundnumber);
dbMakeSoundFromMemblock(999, 1); // assumes you won't need sound number 999!
dbCloneSound(soundnumber, 999);
//memblock no longer required
Here is the original DBPro thread, this is ported from the code at the top of the thread(as you can see, its not much different lol) :
Hope this helps someone
If it ain't broke.... DONT FIX IT !!!