In this case, those parenz will make no difference to the way the compiler interprets the commands. There are cases where you can use parenz though to control the operator flow of calculations...
This is mainly used in maths calculations though to make things more readable, take for example :
1 + 2 * 3
If we add 1 set of parenz : (1 + 2) * 3 = 9
Now change the parenz : 1 + (2 * 3) = 7
If you are not sure on why this occurs then do some reading up on Operator Precedence, its a very similar concept to the precedence of operators that people are taught in school for basic maths, (B)rackets, (I)ndices, (M)ultiplication, (D)ivision, (A)ddition, (S)ubraction....
C++ uses alot more operators than just the standard maths ones though, and precedence becomes alot more important, especially knowing what order your calculations are going to be done in.
I do the same thing though in my own coding, sometimes if I have complex calculations happening, ill add in parenthesis just to make sure that I know at a glance what is supposed to be happening, even though they usually function the same regardless, its always good to make things more readable both for yourself and anybody else that may read your code.
If it ain't broke.... DONT FIX IT !!!