I'm new at DarkBasic programming but have programmed since the STOS days on an Atari computer and since the mid 1990's with Visual Basic and it's successive versions.
Anyway one of the things I enjoy doing is screenplay writing, and I purchased Antics3D to create previz (previsualization) of my scripts. However Antics3D support has since gone the way of the dodo bird and other extinct animals and software.
While I can still use Antics there was a lot of features I wished it had. Hence the concept of Virtual Movie Studio.
With this in mind I recently purchased Dark Game Studio
What is VMS (Virtual movie Studio?
VMS will be a standalone 3D environment for the creation of Previz movies created in 3D.
VMS will use traditional point and click methods to place actors, props and vehicles within a 3D world.
VMS Main Features:
Character - full 3D using standard BVH animations
Speech - All characters will have speech (lipsync) capability
Props - Import OBJ, X file types (both static and animated)
Interactive props - e.g. doors and windows
Vehicles - land, sea and air
Scenery - Import terrain meshes (characters will follow terrain)
Lighting - dynamic and realtime
Shadows - either baked or realtime
Skybox with cloud and weather effects
Way Point movement
Physics - Solid body and soft body physics, ragdoll character, vehicle suspension (PhysX capable)
Particles - generate full 3D particle effects
Billboards - animated and for distance opbjects
Camera - Set FOV etc
Timeline with keyframe
Realtime preview
Export to industry standard video format
Paths - line of sight and bezier
As you can see from the list above most of the components from Dark Game Studio fits the bill.
While the thought of using DarkBasic Pro (or any other language for that matter) was entering my comfort zone, I have found that it is not much different from my early programing experience. Anyway the pic below is of the interface which is about 30% underway. It is designed in Visual Basic and a screen shot used as the bacground. The green 3D area is a camera set to the cutout in the interface png file.
At the moment I'm creating the various screen and control (buttons etc) zones using types and functions to speed things along.
Progress towards completion: About 3%
Oh my gosh! He's wearing Full Metal Pyjamas!
Virtual Movie Studio forum: http://www.metalplateproductions.com/vms/