Hello, I have a simple PhysX game using UberTerrain (which doesn't work correctly but thats another issue) and every time I run it, it opens the following nvidia website.
Why does it do this and can I get it to stop?! (I already installed these drivers)
I've included the code in case anyone wants it. It works but my dynamic rigid bodies spawned with the mouse button aren't affected by gravity.
Rem Project: UberTerrain
Rem Created: Saturday, March 14, 2009
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
sync on : sync rate 0 : sync: Autocam Off
hide mouse
global objects
phy start
center text screen width()/2,screen height()/2,"Loading"
load image "Heightmap.bmp",heightmap
load image "texture.jpg",texture
load image "detail.tga",detail
`Make a Terrain
terrain = UT MakeTerrain()
UT SetTerrainHeightmap terrain, heightmap
UT SetTerrainTexture terrain,texture
UT SetTerrainDetail terrain,detail
UT SetTerrainLOD terrain,4
UT SetTerrainScale terrain,12
UT SetTerrainYScale terrain,2
UT SetTerrainSplit terrain,8
UT SetTerrainDetailTile terrain,2
UT SetTerrainLODDistances terrain,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000
UT SetAdvancedPhysics terrain,1
UT BuildTerrain terrain
while Building
`The visual object
`The Physics Object
`Generate a sector
progress=UT ContinueBuild(object,PhyObject,0) `Generates a sector, phyobject can be ignored in normal physics mode
Phy Make Rigid Body Static Mesh PhyObject
`Example showing that you can set it to any physics/collision system you want
`SC_SetupObject phyobject,0,0
if progress=-1 then Building=0
fog on
fog distance viewrange#
set camera range maincam,1,viewrange#
fog color 128,170,255
color backdrop maincam,rgb(128,170,255)
`phy make material 1,"hardsmooth"
`phy set material dynamic friction 1,0.2
`phy set material static friction 1,0.2
`phy set material restitution 1,0.2
`phy build material 1
position camera maincam, 0, 300, 0
position mouse screen width()/2, screen height()/2
elapsedtime#=(timer()-start)/1000.0: start=timer()
xrot#=camera angle x(maincam)
if upkey()
inc speed#,1000*elapsedtime#
if speed#>500.0 then speed#=500.0
if downkey()
inc speed#,-1000*elapsedtime#
if speed#<-500.0 then speed#=-500.0
if upkey()=0 and downkey()=0
if speed#>0
inc speed#,-1000*elapsedtime#
if speed#<0.0 then speed#=0.0
inc speed#,1000*elapsedtime#
if speed#>0.0 then speed#=0.0
move camera maincam, speed# * elapsedtime#
if camera position x(maincam) > UT GetTerrainSize(terrain) Then position camera maincam, UT GetTerrainSize(terrain), camera position y(maincam), camera position z(maincam)
if camera position x(maincam) < 0.0 Then position camera maincam, 0.0, camera position y(maincam), camera position z(maincam)
if camera position z(maincam) > UT GetTerrainSize(terrain) then position camera maincam, camera position x(maincam), camera position y(maincam), UT GetTerrainSize(terrain)
if camera position z(maincam) < 0.0 Then position camera maincam, camera position x(maincam), camera position y(maincam), 0.0
gheight#=UT GetGroundHeight(terrain,camera position x(maincam),camera position z(maincam))+10.0
position camera maincam,camera position x(maincam),gheight# + 20.0,camera position z(maincam)
rotate camera maincam,xrot#+mousemovey()/6.0,camera angle y()+mousemovex()/3.0,0
if camera angle x(maincam)>70 then xrotate camera maincam,70
if camera angle x(maincam)<-70 then xrotate camera maincam,-70
If MouseClick() = 1
Obj = FreeObject()
Make Object Sphere Obj, 5.0
Position Object Obj, Camera Position X(), Camera Position Y() + 100, Camera Position Z()
Rotate Object Obj, Camera Angle X(), Camera Angle Y(), 0.0
Phy Make Rigid Body Dynamic Sphere Obj, 1
Phy Set Rigid Body Linear Velocity Obj, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0
Phy Update
UT Update maincam
function FreeObject()
inc objects
endfunction objects
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