Ok sorry, I assumed you would know what I meant...
ok, all of the objects in GDK are DBO objects, you can have a look in the DBOData.h file in the Include\DBO folder if your GDK installation to examine exactly what the DBO object structure looks like(this is why its faster to load .DBO objects, there is no conversion from one format to another, load a .X and GDK has to copy all the data to DBO structures.
The function dbGetObject(int ObjID); returns a pointer of the type *sObject ... this is a pointer to the DBO object, which contains among other things, all of the information pertaining to the directX mesh and effects etc...
Once you have created or loaded you object and it has an ID, you can call the dbGetObject function like so and get a pointer to use.
sObject *pObject = dbGetObject(objID);
You can then acces the object directly by dereferencing that pointer ( -> )
To be specific, there are actually a who bunch of different transform matrices you could grab from it, including the Combined world, Original World and transformed world matrices.... here is an example of how to grab one of those from an object.
int Obj = 1;
D3DXMATRIX matTrans;
sObject *pObject;
dbMakeObjectBox(Obj, 256, 256, 8);
pObject = dbGetObject(Obj);
matTrans = pObject->pFrame->matTransformed;
This will extract the "Real-Time Transformed Matrix" from the object and store it inside matTrans. Im not really sure which of the matrices in the object are representative of which DX transforms, they do have comments, but there seem to be more than you would expect, so you would have to experiment with which is going to do what you want.... use intellisense to explore the pointer you get from dbGetObject() .... it is very interesting what you can do to the object via it's pointer rather than GDK functions....
If it ain't broke.... DONT FIX IT !!!