Sorry for the double post, but today I've finished a
Tile Converter, the first part of the Map Loader, which loads it into images just like the editor does for use in very basic games, or just simply testing the map or maybe your own editor for collision and such.
The Tile Converter can load a tileset that's made of 32*32 tiles and will chip it up in seperated tiles into a "Tiles" folder, this folder can replace the original 'Tiles' folder that comes with the editor and Tadaa! Your own tileset in the editor!(Note that this will make you unable to properly view any map using the old tiles) Which is a pretty nifty tool if you have a huge tileset and don't feel like cutting it up manually.
I've also added a simple Keywords file to the Map Loader library for those who like their Commands highlighted.
Now, here's the example I wrote on how to load/render a map exported by this program using the
Map Loader - Image.
//Set up main settings
Sync On
Sync Rate 60
//Set up the data for the add-on commands
//Load the tiles
//Load the map
//Main Loop
//Render Ground level, Always call this BEFORE your player render code, and
//also before your Fringe rendering call.
//Do your own stuff here
//Render Fringe level, Always call this LAST! Fringe = 1 on a layer means it will
//be treated as Fringe. And Fringe was designed to be ABOVE the player. Though
//since there is no player in this example we haven't changed the layer properties.
//Debug Info
Set Window Title "EDPME Map Loader(Image) - Screen FPS : "+Str$(Screen FPS())
//Refresh Screen
And that's all! You can offcourse change the visibility state and fringe state of the layers as well, but I will put that in a help file at a later date.
New Version! (3rd of September[Update 3])
*.RAR Version: Download
*.ZIP Version: Download
EDIT : I got scrolling maps to work in the editor! I however limited them to 100*100 tiles instead of letting them be dynamic sizes. Anything larger will most likely lag like hell on slow PCs. Then again I still have to optimize it not to render the stuff outside the screen.
It's not the world that turns against you, it's you that turns against the world.