I feel foolish now, My bad, My bad.
One thing though, IanM, In your Utility plug-ins collection,
Section 28 - Networking for IP and UDP, I can't seem to find a suitable command to simply print or display the PC's local IP address, or at least, not correctly.
I'm using your full utility Plug-in pack
Rem Setup the Ip commands
IpAddress = INTERFACE IP(1)
rem Print the IP results
print "Total Network Interfaces Equal ",Count
Print " IP address on interface 1 is ",IpAddress
wait key
When I enter in the code above, The interface count is correct, but the IP address printed is strange, something like "1185212081"
I've attached a screenshot showing the output from the code above.
I did a Decimal to Binary conversion, and apparently the number for the Ip address it gives me IS my IP address, it simply cuts off the first 4 bits of the first octet, and then prints the Ip address in decimal form.
So if the program outputs "182575383", it means the Ip address is
Does anyone know how to add the first 4 zeros for the first octet, or simply how to correct this?