Sickly, sorry for a late response, but try the following if you haven't figured it out yet:
sw=screen width()
sh=screen height()
set display mode sw, sh, 32
autocam off
sync on
sync rate 60
position camera 0,0,100
point camera 0,0,0
color backdrop 0
fog on
fog color rgb(238, 220, 130)
fog distance 0,1000
for a = 1 to 100
for b = 1 to 100
R# = rnd(50.0)+100.0
G# = R# * 0.92
B# = R# * 0.54
dot a, b, rgb(R#,G#,B#)
next a
next b
get image 1,1,1,100,100
for a = 1 to 500
make object cube a,10
position object a, rnd(200)-100,rnd(200)-100,rnd(400)-200
next a
SandStorm = 1000
make object plain SandStorm,sw/45,sh/45
texture object SandStorm, 1
ghost object on SandStorm, 2
set object light SandStorm, 0
scale object texture SandStorm,2,2
SandStorm2 = 1001
clone object SandStorm2, SandStorm
disable object ZDEPTH SandStorm
disable object ZDEPTH SandStorm2
IF keystate(17) = 1 then move camera 1
IF keystate(31) = 1 then move camera -1
rotate camera camera angle x()+mousemovey()/2,camera angle y()+mousemovex()/2,0
REM What follows is what is needed to attach the SandStorm Plain to the camera
REM I wouldn't move the plain to far from the camera, but with the ZDepth off, it shouldn't matter too much.
position object SandStorm,camera position x(),camera position y(),camera position z()
rotate object SandStorm,camera angle x(),camera angle y(),camera angle z()
rotate object SandStorm2,camera angle x(),camera angle y(),camera angle z()
move object SandStorm, 8
position object SandStorm2, object position x(SandStorm),object position y(SandStorm),object position z(SandStorm)
scroll object texture SandStorm, .005,0
scroll object texture SandStorm2, .007,.0001
I had a baby to take care of too!
There's something in this room that makes you can't speak well.