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Posted: 13th Sep 2009 08:23
Here’s a small game I'm calling Bug Off:

The point of the game is to destroy the charging bug formation before it gets to you.

A ‘Queen Bug’ flies over randomly and lays defender bugs that will block and defend the formation. Shoot it down to prevent it from laying too many defenders.

A Fly passes through that, if you shoot will destroy multiple bugs at a time. The more bugs that are near it when you shoot it, the more that get destroyed.

Move the cannon with the LEFT/RIGHT keys. UP/DOWN will rotate the cannon for better shots.

You destroy bugs by shooting them with the same color bug.

You can only shoot off three bugs at a time.

If a fired bug doesn’t hit anything it will just bounce around until it does so don’t waste your shots.
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Posted: 13th Sep 2009 08:25
Another screen shot:

Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 13th Sep 2009 21:16 Edited at: 13th Sep 2009 21:16
another nice little game, chwilly.

1 thing i should have mentioned on your last windowed shooter (which applies here, too) is my desire for the window to be centered on the desktop upon execution (am i the only one that still keeps his taskbar on top of the screen?).


set window position (desktop width()-screen width())/2, (desktop height()-screen height())/2

that would save me a little grief

otherwise, level one is very fun but i don't know if it's possible to beat level 2? if it is, it might be more work than fun and maybe that's something to consider on your next title.

and, finally, are you sure the "bugs to kill:" count is accurate? the first time through i had to kill atleast a dozen more bugs to complete the level (that's when i noticed the BTK: 1 message). it's possible all the remaining bugs (save 1) were defenders left by the Queen (this was before i read that you had to match bugs to remove them ), but at that point how was i to tell which bug was the "last bug standing"? (i know the defenders point/face the cannon but with the size of the graphics used, it's not easy to see in the heat of battle!)

meanwhile, it's still very fun and i'll play it again. i appreciate the premise and game play as it's a mix of a couple/few classic styles (artillery (minus the "physics") meets galaga meets mahjong/match 2?) and, the added "bouncing shots" was a nice feature (allowing for some billiard-esque play/shot options), tho i wish i had a little more than 3 active shots available.

nice game. thanks for sharing!

oh, PS: some graphic glitches are apparent. for some reason i get a few stray lines and sometimes there are many flashing lines that form a line across the entire screen (see the inset graphic)):


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Posted: 14th Sep 2009 02:06
The lines at the edge are meant to show you the limit for the attacking bugs. Once a bug reaches that limit all the remaining bugs will swarm all over and eat you.

The flashing line is a warning telling you that your about to be eaten. It shouldn’t show up until the bugs are almost to the limit. You’ll also hear an annoying beep in the background.

I was trying to think of an effective way of warning the player that the limit is about to be reached. I guess that didn’t work too well.

You only have to kill the attacking bugs. If you notice, the bugs laid by the queen don’t attack. Their purpose is to defend and keep you from shooting the attacking bugs so they aren’t included in the counter. You can tell who they are because they are always pointing towards your cannon and never change position.

The counter only includes the bugs in the original attacking formation. The level is complete once all of them are killed.

Sorry, I should have clarified this in my original post.

Thanks for the feedback.
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Posted: 14th Sep 2009 02:09
By the way, I'll update my other games to be centered on the desktop. Good idea. I didn't know I could do that.
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Posted: 14th Sep 2009 03:06
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 14th Sep 2009 03:40 Edited at: 14th Sep 2009 03:43
very cool, thanks! and, the first time i've tried InterBlock; good stuff

Quote: "The lines at the edge..."

ah, maybe some arrows (facing center) would be more obvious?

Quote: "The flashing line..."

i guess i gotta get used to your rgb(rnd(255),rnd(255),rnd(255)) flashy stuff

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Posted: 14th Sep 2009 05:54
Neat game, but I liked Galagan Arena better. This one is more tedious then fun. Though I must say, I've never seen a game quite like this before

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Posted: 14th Sep 2009 09:12
Yeah I admit this game is a little odd. It really didn’t turn out the way I originally visioned (well, maybe not as interesting) but it works.

I thought about a 2d game where the player defends against an advancing army of bugs. I was playing a similar game on the internet but with only static colored balls. I thought using bugs and having them advance in a formation would be a little more interesting.

I ended up having more fun just seeing what I could make the bug formation do. I had them dancing around in all sorts of shapes like rose curves and limacons but it became a cluttered mess so I just stuck with ellipses.

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