I was looking throe this darkAI Documentation to see if there was an example of how darkAI and dark physic worked together, and come across this.
Quote: "Compatibility With A Physics System
The main issue with combining DarkAI with a physics system, such as DarkPhysics, is that physics will also want to control the DarkBasic objects representing your entities to stop them moving through each other. If you link the objects with the AI system with the physics system trying to move them conflicts may arise between which position the object should be moved to. The solution to this is to give control of the object over to physics as normal and to not link the object to the AI system, instead using the Set Position and Get X/Z commands to change and retrieve the entities' positions.
If the physics system can detect when an object is re-positioned and update its internal values then the two systems should work together as long as AI Update is called before updating physics. This avoids the possibility that after physics has prevented collisions the AI moves the entity into a new collision. If this is not the case then you can remove the AI system from controlling the entity and use the physics system to position the entity where the AI wants it to go.
When not linked to an object DarkAI will use internal values that represent where it thinks the entity should be when AI Update is called, use AI Get Entity X and AI Get Entity Z commands to get these values. You should then use methods provided by the physics system to move the DarkBasic object to this position, for example using forces, velocities or positions whichever the physics system prefers, and let the physics system move the DarkBasic object. Then update the physics system so that it positions the DarkBasic object for you and adjusts for collisions, etc, automatically. Then get the new position of the object using the normal DarkBasic commands Object Position X and Object Position Z and use the AI Set Entity position command to set the new internal position for DarkAI to work with. This new value will then be used by the AI system in the next AI Update to work out where it wants the entity to move to, it stores these new values internally and the cycle repeats. It is recommended you always update the AI before you update the physics in your loop.
You can use AI Set Entity Collide to tell an entity when it is blocked by something it doesn't know exists (a physics object that is not an obstacle in the AI system) which the AI would constantly try to move through and physics would keep stopping it. This tells the entity to move sideways for a bit."
can any one give me an example of what this is on about? in code or just small hits to help me out would be helpful.
thanks in advance
soul sucking devils, twisted body of the damed, slivering slim drips from every poor, sin licking at your ears, and the smell stinging your eyes, and if you don't like it, get out of my kitchen!