I had all these errors due to updating DBP but not the drivers, then eventually finding the driver link at the bottom of the page without needing to select my card.
So yes, you can use ATI cards, the physX drivers are below the selection thingy.
Anyway, to run the banner demo, I have to copy DarkPhysics.dll, NxCooking.dll, and NxCharacter.dll to the program's directory. I know DBP's supposed to auto pack most of this from its plugin directory, is something weird going on?
I'm thinking it's either the way we have to do it, or the editor isn't including things properly.
I know the license is extremely exclusive on what you can do with the DLL, so maybe it can't be packed into the EXE's by even TGC?
This is very annoying, as now when you distribute a game, you have to say "Oh by the way, go to this website. Ok, now go into My Computer and locate these DLL's. Now hit copy and find your game..."
Is this why N3wton wrote the workaround? Am I off on this somewhere?
It's fine for us, but if we want to distribute anything, free even, this can't be "the way" to do it