Your question has been answered so many times now, we cant be much more clear with you. But here it is again.
1. There are no animations for X10 characters that are for sitting or in anyway resemble sitting.
2. It will be way beyond most people to animate these new animations into a DarkAI character as they are very hard to make and animate without screwing it up.
3. None of the X9 scripts will work in X10, they are made for an older engine that lacks loads of teh features that X10 has and for that reason you cant use them.
4. You can make the characters talk by playing sound files but this is not realtalking as... Their lips will not move unless you animate them to do so, as with sittign animations this is very hard and unless you are amazing animator dont even try it.
5. Dont make us answer the same question again, it cant be done in X10 this engine is in a way very young and still has far to go before you can expect anything near the features you want.
6. DarkAI is hard coded commands called by the FPI editor you woudl not be able to create a character sitting withotu a source edit to add that function in the engine. Before you ask the source code is not released and never will be for X10, unless Lee is very kind and changes his mind (doubt it though).
Best of luck with that. Any other questions usre ask but not sitting please
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