I dont have DarkGDK installed anymore but here is the code that I use for my DirecX menu front end.
You should be able to adapt it to DarkGDK.
#include <windows.h>
#include <vfw.h>
HWND hwnd_MCIWnd; // MCIWnd window handle
void N_MediaLoadAndPlay(HWND hwnd_ParentWindow, LPSTR lpstr, int OriginX, int OriginY, int Width, int Height)
DWORD dwMCIWndStyle = WS_CHILD | // child window
WS_VISIBLE | // visible
MCIWNDF_NOTIFYMODE | // notifies of mode changes
MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR; // hides toolbar
hwnd_MCIWnd = MCIWndCreate(hwnd_ParentWindow, GetModuleHandle(NULL), dwMCIWndStyle, NULL);
MCIWndOpen(hwnd_MCIWnd, lpstr, NULL); // new device in window
SetWindowPos(hwnd_MCIWnd,NULL,OriginX,OriginY,Width,Height,SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
MCIWndPlay(hwnd_MCIWnd); // plays device
You can call it like
N_MediaLoadAndPlay(hgWnd, "VideoINTRO.wmv", 0, 0, 800, 600);
hgWnd is the handle to the DarkGDK main window.
Hope that helps.