set display mode 1024,768,32,1
set window on
sync on
sync rate 60
phy start
autocam off
phy make scene 1,0,2,1
phy set current scene 1
position camera -5,9,-5
point camera 0,0,0
make object cube 1,100
scale object 1,100,1,100
phy make rigid body static box 1
phy make fluid 500
phy set fluid position 500,0,4,0
phy set fluid radius 500,3
phy set fluid rest density 500,1000
phy build fluid 500
make object cube 501,3
position object 501,1,1.5,1
phy make rigid body dynamic box 501
phy update
Are there any plans to make software fluids even moderately appealing? Is this even a DP problem, or is it Nvidia's fault?
If you run my code there, or any fluid demo, you'll notice that the fluids don't look great and don't run well. I can run Crysis on mid-highs, and I get 8fps with my simple demo there.
If not, I'm going to look into buying a PhysX card (if cheap enough on ebay) or an Nvidia graphics card (as I'm on ATI). If I get a physics card, can I still use it with Nvidia's drivers, or have they trashed them completely?