This is my first game, so any comments or help appriciated.
It is a two player space shooter with a targeting system and 3dness.
To do list: (
= Working on,
= finished,
= finished but bugged and
= unstarted.)
Main Loop:
Problems / Questions
How do I save a variable to a file?
How do I set up collision so that the two spaceships don't hit each other?
How do I see if an object is roughly in front of one of the ships?
P1 Controls:
WASD = Move = 17, 30, 31, 32
QE = Up / Down = 16, 18
Left Shift = Boost = 42
Space = Shoot = 57
P2 Controls:
5123 = Move = 76, 79, 80, 81
46 = Up / Down = 75, 77
Right arrow key = Boost = 205
Enter = Shoot = 156
Latest Version Attached.
Current Code:
if file exist ("Files\settings") then default()
input "Please enter your screen width> ",width
print "Screen Width: 1280" `Only supports 1280 for now.
width = 1280
input "Please enter your screen height> ",height
input "Do you want to use 32 or 16 bit?> ",bit
goto setup
`set display mode width, height, bit
set display mode 1280, 1024, 32
hide mouse
autocam off
sync on
sync rate 60
backdrop off
position camera 0, 0, 30
point camera 0, 0, 0
make light 1
position light 1, 0, 0, 30
load image "Files\Textures\shuttle.bmp", 1
load image "Files\Images\Backdrop.jpg", 2
load object "Files\Meshes\shuttle.x", 1
load object "Files\Meshes\shuttle.x", 2
texture object 1, 1
texture object 2, 1
position object 1, 0, 10, 0
position object 2, 0, -10, 0
make object sphere 10, 20
make object sphere 11, 20
`make object sphere 12, 20
`make object sphere 13, 20
`make object sphere 14, 20
`make object sphere 15, 20
color object 10, rgb(205,127,50)
color object 11, rgb(205,127,50)
position object 10, 170, 90, -290
position object 11, -90, -30, -160
`Declaring Variables
global playagain$ = ""
global wins1 = 0
global wins2 = 0
global score1 = 0
global score2 = 0
global lives1 = 3
global lives2 = 3
global health1 = 50
global health2 = 50
global speed1 = -1
global speed2 = -1
global boost1# = 100.0
global boost2# = 100.0
global enableboost1 = 1
global enableboost2 = 1
function mainloop()
set cursor 100, 100
print object position x (1)
set cursor 100, 120
print object position y (1)
set cursor 100, 140
print object position z (1)
function handlesprites()
draw sprites first
sprite 1, 0, 0, 2
set sprite 1, 0, 0
function handlecontrols()
`Player 1
if keystate(42) = 1 and speed1 => -3 and enableboost1 = 1 then boost1()
if keystate(17) = 1 then move object 1, speed1
if keystate(30) = 1 then turn object left 1, 4
if keystate(31) = 1 then move object 1, 1
if keystate(32) = 1 then turn object right 1, 4
if keystate(16) = 1 then move object up 1, 1
if keystate(18) = 1 then move object down 1, 1
if keystate(57) = 1 then shoot1()
`Player 2
if keystate(205) = 1 and speed2 => -3 and enableboost2 = 1 then boost2()
if keystate(76) = 1 then move object 2, speed2
if keystate(79) = 1 then turn object left 2, 4
if keystate(80) = 1 then move object 2, 1
if keystate(81) = 1 then turn object right 2, 4
if keystate(75) = 1 then move object up 2, 1
if keystate(77) = 1 then move object down 2, 1
if keystate(156) = 1 then shoot2()
function handlecollision()
set global collision on
if object hit (1, 2)
function handlecalculations()
if score1 = 100 then lives1 = lives1 + 1 and score1 = 0
if health1 = 0 then lives1 = lives1 - 1 and health1 = 50
if score2 = 100 then lives2 = lives2 + 1 and score2 = 0
if health2 = 0 then lives2 = lives2 - 1 and health2 = 50
if lives1 = 0 then win2()
if lives2 = 0 then win1()
if keystate(42) = 0 then enableboost1 = 0
if keystate(205) = 0 then enableboost2 = 0
if boost1# > 99 then boost1# = 100
if boost1# =< 1 then enableboost1 = 0
if boost1# => 99 then enableboost1 = 1
if boost2# > 99 then boost2# = 100
if boost2# =< 1 then enableboost2 = 0
if boost2# => 99 then enableboost2 = 1
if enableboost1 = 0 then boost1off()
if enableboost2 = 0 then boost2off()
function handlehud()
center text 615, 20, "Wins:"
set cursor 600, 40
print wins1
set cursor 620, 40
print wins2
center text 170, 10, "Player 1:"
center text 50, 30, "Score:"
set cursor 80, 30
print score1
center text 125, 30, "Lives:"
set cursor 155, 30
print lives1
center text 200, 30, "Health:"
set cursor 230, 30
print health1
center text 290, 30, "Energy:"
set cursor 320, 30
print boost1#
center text 1130, 10, "Player 2:"
center text 975, 30, "Score:"
set cursor 1005, 30
print score2
center text 1050, 30, "Lives:"
set cursor 1080, 30
print lives2
center text 1125, 30, "Health:"
set cursor 1155, 30
print health2
center text 1215, 30, "Energy:"
set cursor 1245, 30
print boost2#
function shoot1()
print "Player 1 Shot!"
`score1 = score1 + 10
`health2 = health2 - 10
function shoot2()
print "Player 2 Shot!"
`score2 = score2 + 10
`health1 = health1 - 10
function win1()
wins1 = wins1 + 1
set cursor 1, 1
input "Player 1 wins! Play again? (Y/N)> ",playagain$
if playagain$ = "y" then goto setup
if playagain$ = "n" then exit
function win2()
wins2 = wins2 + 1
set cursor 1, 1
input "Player 2 wins! Play again? (Y/N)> ",playagain$
until playagain$ = "y" or playagain$ = "n"
if playagain$ = "y" then goto setup
if playagain$ = "n" then exit
function settings()
if file exist ("Files\settings") then delete file "Files\settings"
open to write 1, "Files\settings"
write file 1, width `How do i put a variable into a file?
write file 1, height `Same here
write file 1, bit `Same Here
close file 1
function default()
open to read 1, ("Files\settings")
read file 1, width `I need to load the variable here.
read file 1, height`Same here
read file 1, bit`Same Here
close file 1
goto setup
function boost1
speed1 = -3
boost1# = boost1# - 1
function boost1off
speed1 = -1
boost1# = boost1# + 0.2
function boost2
speed2 = -3
boost2# = boost2# - 1
function boost2off
speed2 = -1
boost2# = boost2# + 0.2
Any help appriciated!