Okay so i think the port forwarding is my problem. well i noticed that even though i call NetSetPort(1337); The clients connect through two(usually consecutive) unregistered ports. (eg.60164,60165)
Edit: I forwarded ports 60000 to 65535 and successfully connected to myself via Physical IP
Edit Edit: Server Log on Successful connect. NetSetPort(60000) Called on both sides
Server Launched: 10/05/09 at 22:30:53
Server connection#: 1 at 22:32:06 on 10/05/09 from PHYSICAL IP on port 55328.
Welcome Message Sent to player 1.
Player: 1 Disconnected at 22:32:10 on 10/05/09
Server Closed: 10/05/09 at 22:32:15
Total Messages Recieved: 1
Total Messages Returned: 1