I too would love to have folding functions, it is a quick and handy way of working within your program, being able to see the entire code layout at a glance, then open just the function(s) I wish to change. It is a fallback to my AMOS Pro programming days. The current system auto-unfolds at the earliest opportunity and places your cursor where-ever it feels like.
Another nice feature of the AMOS Pro editor that I really miss is the ability to create a keyboard macro - that is a sequence of keypressed boung to a Ctrl-key.
I would also like to disable F6 as I don't use the debugger, but sometimes press it by accident when going for F5. Minor, but annoying - I would like to be able to turn it off.
I would like a 'simpler' find/replace tool, the DBPro editor one has too many options and forces me to work slower when using it. Most of the options are superflous. Also if you search through for references to a certain word the search text changes on you and you have to type your search again - even though you have already told it what you actually want to search for! The current editor has this sooooooooo wrong, I hate it!
I would like to select entire directories for media addition also, the current system takes an hour just to find out your .exe crashes. I am not sure if this is a problem in the compiler or the current editor, but there are many many problems with attaching media. Drag and drop might be nice
Being able to specify the file properties of the .exe and the icon would be nice too.
Auto-indent selected/entire code feature would be nice, not for me I do it naturally, but for other people to use when they want me to read it! *looks at brother*
The final feature would be a real boon - and not too bad as a second option if we can't have folding functions - that is the ability to open multiple .dba files at once in a daughter window that we can resize so we can put multiple source code onscreen - if you do this *PLEASE* dont inhibit support for a second monitor. The current editor allows multiple .dba files to be opened (but only if you know how) but you are restricted to having one onscreen - also the error reporting for include files is way off making them hard to debug and not a 'natural' process for DB programming.
Quote: "Just leave it up to guy man."
What-ever issues Guy has have been effecting us all for too long. I wish him well but really we do have to move on.
The compiler is pretty robbust and stable these days but the IDE has had only superficial changes since it's buggy state at launch.
I applaud this new attempt at an editor, and hope to be able to try it soon.
Pneumatic Dryll