Hi... again
! So I had created a map in a world creator called Dele3D. I exported my creation in the format of .x into my maps folder inside my models folder inside my media folder and so on and so forth. Now heres what my questions are:
#1. My Map wont load. I exported it in .x format and when I go to load it, it doesn't load anything. Heres my code:
dbLoadObject ( "Media\Models\Maps\Industry.x", 100 ); // DEBUG (Remove after BETA)
dbPositionObject ( 100, 100, 100, 100 );
I know it's not much but it works every time I load a normal model... P.S. I added in a matrix but nothing changed:
dbMakeMatrix ( 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, 1 );
dbLoadObject ( "Media\Models\Maps\Industry.x", 100 ); // DEBUG (Remove after BETA)
dbPositionObject ( 100, 100, 100, 100 );
#2. How do I texture my map? I have all my textures inside my map folder inside a folder called "Map Textures". How do I apply them to the right spot and stretch them correctly?
#3. How do I add physics into my map?
#4. There are multiple ladders in my game. How do I detect that if the player runs forward into a ladder the player starts climbing? (You don't have to answer it yet since I still need to implant more systems into my map but if you can give me an example of what the code would look like I would greatly appreciate it)
Thank you for taking time to read everything
. P.S. I added in the maps folder for the map itself if you wanted to toy with it so you can answer one of these questions.