nope the .fpe file didnt work. So I tried to use a .FPS and that did not work either. I will post a snapshot of what kind of error I am getting with the .FPS Now I can actually see the thing but when I click on it... well it freaks out
Here is the code I am using in the .fps file.
;Segment Spec
partmax = 0
lastmeshmax = 0
;Segment Parts
partmode0 = 0
meshname0 = meshbank\scifi\scenery\windows\Project_h.x
offx0 = 0
offy0 = -50
offz0 = 0
rotx0 = 0
roty0 = 0
rotz0 = 0
texture0 = texturebank\ww2\floors\grass\f_z_01_d2.tga
textured0 =
texturen0 =
textures0 =
transparency0 = 0
effect0 =
colmode0 = 1
csgmesh0 =
csgmode0 = 0
csgimmune0 = 1
lightmode0 = 0
multimeshmode0 = 0
materialindex0 = 0
;Segment Visibility
visoverlay = 2
visfloor = -1
visroof = -1
viswallb = -1
viswallr = -1
viswallf = -1
viswalll = -1
viscornertl = -1
viscornertr = -1
viscornerbr = -1
viscornerbl = -1
;Segment Blueprint
mode = 6
symbol = 0
floorsizey = 0
sidesizex = 100
sidesizey = 1
sidesizez = 100
groundmode = 0
kindof = 4
"Through knowledge I gain power, through power I gain enemy's"