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Program Announcements / webcam programmed to 'see' through a cloth [DarkGDK]

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Posted: 16th Oct 2009 15:40 Edited at: 18th Oct 2009 17:12
I've made this in 10 minutes, being inspired by other youtube invisibility videos, except this what you see is generated real time, all you see is live. you can download entire project and compile it in visual c++ 2008.
The technique used is chromakey.

if you think you can ... or not.. both ways.. you're right
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Location: Boston, USA
Posted: 24th Oct 2009 21:06
so the chromakeyed part is replaced with an image of the background without movement? awesome!

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Red Eye
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Posted: 9th Nov 2009 19:51
HAHA, where is the shadow of that boy?

ThatOther Person
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2009 22:49
Cool. There is a lot of room for improvement but still very cool. How does it determine what to make the background behind the cloth look like? Did you need to preset it yourself or does it just go with the first frame it records when the program starts up does it somehow figure out that its looking at the background when nothing is moving in the image or in part of the image or something?

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Posted: 26th Nov 2009 02:14
It seemed like it grabbed the last image before the green screen went in front of it, then used that as a replacement for the orange sweater. How close to the answer am I?

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Posted: 27th Nov 2009 15:39
that's exactly what it looks like. and what the code does. very cool.

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Posted: 27th Nov 2009 16:50
This does same thing.

Thought it might be interesting to you.Its only program I know of that does realtime chromakey.Maybe you could come up with someway for sprites to be moved by the chromakeyed part and make a game based on it.

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