Although the majority of the CodeBase code has been written, I still need to tweak it some more. All the features are in but there are some file permission checks that need adding (so you don't upload a ZIP that wipes someone elses!) and various other small bits. So I'm going to hold off releasing today and see how much I get done over this weekend. If I finish it then I'll kick it up.
Just so you know this is what's in and working so far (if you've got ideas for more features, now is the time to shout).
You can Add, List, View, Edit and Delete your CodeBase Entries.
When Adding an Entry you can enter the following details:
1) Title (I.e. Star Wars Scroller)
2) Language (DB/DBPro)
3) Category (drop-down list, things like "Graphics 2D", "Functions", etc)
4) Short Description - that will appear on the search results
5) Source Code - well, the actual code
6) Long Description - if you want/have a file_id.diz or a readme.txt for example you can paste the whole thing in here
7) Access Level: Standard or Advanced (who can see your code, everyone or DBDNers)
8) Allow Ratings? y/n - can people rate this code entry?
9) Allow Comments? y/n - can people write comments about it?
10) Attach Media - a single file (can be a ZIP file) that contains any media your code needs, suggest you also place the code in here too for ease of use. 500 KB limit (2MB for DBDNers). Optional.
11) Attach Screen Shot - 640x480 JPEG, no larger, no smaller. Optional, doesn't suit all code.
You can edit any of the above values and can delete media/screen shots and then upload replacements as you need.
You can search your codebase entries descriptions (which is useful if you've got a lot and want to edit one quickly).
You also have a Profile tab.
On here you can set:
1) Name (i.e. your real name or forum name or a company / group name, whatever really)
2) Web site name
3) Web site URL
4) Biog - 4KB worth of text that appears at the bottom of all your codebase entries. Sell yourself basically (if you want)
5) Banner - 480x60 GIF or JPEG banner, max. 16KB. Appears at the top of every codebase entry you have.
Need anything else? Ask.
"Gentlemen, we have short-circuited the Universe!"