quoting RUCCOS from another thread, i was asking if it would affect game performence if i used floaters:
Quote: "The difference will be unnoticable unless you have tonnes of these limbs. In general its always best to model your mesh as a single mesh, but in some cases it's unavoidable and at times desired to have multiple limbs in a single mesh. There really wont be much of a difference, but you should still try to maintain a single mesh when you can, so for something like screws in a gun Id recommend either adding them via a texture or taking the extra work to model them into the mesh itself.
Keep in mind however that you shouldn't go out of your way to model these details into the mesh if they're going to add a bunch of polygons to the mesh to do it. For example if modelling these screws into your gun requires you to create 10 more polygons for each bolt to get the right polygon to extrude from, you're adding unnecessary polygon data that will end up slowing it down more than if you just went with a separate mesh.
For example, something like a gun that has a barrel at the end, you would want to model the barrel with the mesh, however something like a house positioned ontop of a terrain mesh, you would want to model the house separate from the terrain."
also, in my opinion, having it a solid mesh, gives u more control over the mesh
[Q]uik, Quiker than most