umm, don't quote me on this, but i think you need august 2007, not november.
also, you need to place certain sourcepaths in the tools->options menu. there should be a pdf.
if not, just do the following
go to tools->options->projects and solutions->vc++ directories->
(if you are running vista)
include files-> add "c:\program files\microsoft directx sdk (august 2007)\include" " without quotes
library files->
"c:\program files\mircosoft directx sdk (august 2007)\lib\x86"
"c:\program files\the game creators\dark gdk\lib\vs9"
without quotes.
if you are running xp, i dont know the exact source path, but you should be able to figure it out. just find where you put the directx and the game creators files, and do the above.
best of luck.
-to the optimist, the glass is half full. to the pessimist, it is half empty, to the engineer, it is twice as big as it needs to be.