I am making my own zombie for a game but I really need to have some questions answered since I can't find any good support for it.
Also I'm having questions about Weapons.
How can I make sure my zombie will ragdoll when it dies? Does I just have to assign the animation, firebone and stuff and then FPS creator will automatically activate ragdoll when it dies by using the animation bones or how does this work?
For weapons. I hear a lot are having issues with importing weapons from the old FPS creator but I am making my own weapons. Does the weapons have the same config files like the old ones from x9 or do I need to look out for something?
And how can I be sure that my model is actually X10 ready?
And yes I am able to UV Map and export to .x
But I really hope you guys can answer my questions or give me a quick tutorial on how to do it.