if i get Rich's permission i may post some links to my new scripts
I got a DECENT database result splitter (Not the crumby phpbuilder ones which dont seem to count for there being 1000+ records.
I am also making a template system which should be fun, kinda hard as all the different pages can have a different design element like colour or text size.
For example the <title></title> tag will be replaces with [title] and read from the entry names title in the database, BUT if you view from the about page and if there is a title_about in the database that one is used if there is no title_about in the DB the defult is used.
i am also splitting a page into like 40 or 50 database records for 'easy' editing. And some dynamic page streamlined CSS so that with a huge site with 10k of CSS, only the CSS for that page is d/l.
Finally i am going to try to use some of these new MYSQL features like boolean search and the result cashing.
A big project, more a learnging curve than a logicaly designed site. I mean the site is going to be like 8 pages, but hopefully huge database.
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