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Program Announcements / Simple 3D Space Invaders game

SanBa Games
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Posted: 28th Nov 2009 12:22 Edited at: 15th Dec 2009 09:04
Hey everybody, I was just coding in DarkBASIC to see if it's something I'd like to stay with. I certainly think it is. The following game was made over the course of one day as I taught myself the language. It isn't much, but I hope someone can enjoy it and that I might be able to add some features (check out the readme file to see what I hope to implement in the future).


EDIT: Added screencap

Sanba Games: Because We Can


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Posted: 29th Nov 2009 02:12
Checked out your game. You need explosions. Virtually no eye candy. Use a cylinder for laser instead of sphere. Enemy needs to shoot back randomly. On the right track, just needs more than one days work.

Ashingda 27
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Posted: 29th Nov 2009 15:22
I lost on the very first try, it was a bit scary as they speed up and I couldn't do much.
SanBa Games
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Posted: 1st Dec 2009 21:30
All right, here is the next update. The only thing I really have left on the list of stuff to work out is possibly adding moving camera angles, and possibly a difficulty setting.

@Ashingda: I'm sorry you found it so hard. I had four people playtest it and all of them made it around 4 levels into the game. I added a difficulty increaser so the aliens get faster as you beat levels. I hope that doesn't scare you off. This should be a fun remake of the original classic. Just try shooting for the ones on the outside first so they have longer to go before they reach the edge of the screen. If this still is not a good enough tip, please tell me what would make it more fun for you. And stay away from the newly implemented DARK MODE, where you can only see by the light of your shots! Points are more than doubled, but the difficulty rating is super high!

@Rasdini: Explosions added! It was on the to-do list in the Readme, but I felt like the earlier release was enough to release with the promise of updates. I'm not sure why you think the enemies don't fire back randomly... they do, completely at random. Every game "click" that goes by up to 7 aliens have a 25% chance to take a shot. I couldn't do any more than that because the game uses hardware lights for each bullet, and my limit is apparently 8, so...

Sanba Games: Because We Can


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Posted: 2nd Dec 2009 17:57
awesome game man!
though, maybe making the defences smaller?
i could barely shoot the enemys..

also, when u loose: make a text where it says: your dead, press space to play again


[Q]uik, Quiker than most
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Posted: 5th Jan 2010 10:26
I think this is quite impressive for one days work, whilst learning the language.

Well done

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Posted: 5th Jan 2010 23:00
Great game! I will be playing this for a long, long time.

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