Ok so i have a basic Game runing on my own computer.
but my problem is transfering all the info to another computer.
when i build the exe it runs fine on my computer, but when i transfer it to my other on is says cant load sound at line 13.
well duh its beacues i put my computers info in the load sound brakets. but when i change it to somthing simple like load sound "c
esktop/blah blah blah",1 So it can be universal for all computers it wont run cause it dosent have the specific location. and i cant Transfer to another computer giving it my computers exact loaction.... iv been pounding my head on the key board for about and hour and trying to look up guides for it but i cant find it anywhere.....
i Guess to some it all up.. i need help compiling the game
Thanks for any sugjestions and sorry if i didnt explain my prop to clearly