Well, at the video ending links, there is a
video that explains that he/she says that he/she uses:
Quote: "Adobe Photoshop CS3,Adobe AfterEffects CS3,3dsmax 8,Audacity 1.2.6"
and also in the video, he/she applied many effects. Since you asked the question in the 3D forum, I answered your question for 3D, and since I'm not familiar with other 3D modeling programs, I answered for
Blender 3D. Here's a link I once found about a thing called toon shading (just a beforehand note, toonshading sometimes gives a strange effect that doesn't look like a cartoon/anime, but this tutorial makes a decent enough effect):
Blender 3D Basic Node Toon Shader. Hope I helped. Cheers
[EDIT] And just as a side note, like I said before the animation link you posted uses many effects, so for the
effect I just recommend you watch the how it was made video and research each part it says, but for the animation part look here it is. Also, toon shading, as I said before and as with this example, gives a weird look into things, so they don't give that anime/cartoon enough look, so I just recommend that someone figures out what "ink, color, and shading" meant in the how it was made video in my post. Cheers. EDIT AGAIN: Seeing as the each frame of the "ink and color" section have an animated noise among them, the person probably used the 3D of the girl's body as a reference image, and then animated in something else (probably photoshop, in his/her case). I'd recommend a program called Pencil. It is free, and it's a 2D frame-by-frame animation program, but I'm not sure if it can import videos as reference pictures in the background. Cheers, again, for the third time.
Typos, they can't live without me.