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Program Announcements / Phenom Beta 2

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Posted: 10th Dec 2009 10:36 Edited at: 13th Jan 2010 07:52
Phenom Beta 2 - Released 12-10-2009

5 Deathmatch maps:


2 Capture the Flag maps:

CTF-Halls (a symmetrical version of DM-HallsofDeath)

Bot support:

Supports about 40 bots, but you'll need a really nice computer to pull off that many
Bots will play online also
Difficulty ranges from 1 to 10, 1 being really stupid and 10 being quite good.
Difficulty setting affects bots' reaction time, field of vision, dodging/jumping, accuracy, and firing frequency.
Bots will camp at windows or ledges sometimes, waiting for someone to walk by.
Bots are not very good at capturing the flag, but are sometimes great at defending.

You may want to change your name and controls in the options menu.
To get a game started, simply choose Host from the main menu. You can then change how many bots you will face, the map you wish to play, and other options. Then click the start button to get in some action.

Phenom plays at about the speed of Quake 3 Arena, and there is no self damage, so rocket-jumping can become more of a part of gameplay. The only way to kill yourself is to fall or blast yourself out of the map.

There are some rewards in Phenom:

If you've been fragged, then you frag the same person who fragged you within 15 seconds, you will receive the Revenge Reward, which will give you 200 health instantly.

Killing Streak is announced after 5 consecutive kills without dying.
Different announcements will occur as the kill count goes up. (15 kills, 30 kills, 50 kills).

First Kill is announced if you get the first kill in the match.

There are still some bugs to work out, so you may notice funny things, like bots getting stuck on stairs and things of that sort. If you want to start a new game after playing awhile, it's best to exit to windows and re-launch. Make sure that the map's prefix matches the gametype (DM=Deathmatch, CTF=Capture the Flag) or the game will crash.

Get the demo here

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Posted: 10th Dec 2009 14:16
woa, the vid looks great ! Downloading...

the revenge-kill idea sounds nice!

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Posted: 10th Dec 2009 15:55
Unfortunately, when I try to load a game, it just crashes :\ ? No errors or anything. Have you tried it on Win 7 yet?

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Posted: 10th Dec 2009 20:54
No, I've not tried it on anything but XP Pro SP2. I'll have to look into this...

I forgot to mention above that resolution is changeable in the config.ini in Phenom's root folder.

Default is 1024x768 32 bit color and vsync off. The config.ini shows:


If your video card does not support this, it may crash. If you have a widescreen monitor, you may find it suitable to change these defaults to something wider.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2009 00:46
No, the game loads fine up until I host a match, then it just crashes after making a weird "bloop" noise or something..

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Posted: 11th Dec 2009 02:23
I have the exact same problem. Running Vista here. Tried compatibility mode but it didn't help. Some of the maps allow me to look around for a moment before crashing, but Longest Yard crashes as soon as it finishes loading.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2009 08:37
Hmmm, I don't know for sure, but it seems a friend of mine who was also running Vista had a similar problem with Phenom, and I traced it to DBPro's random command.

Bots spawn after 5 seconds, so that may be why you were able to look around for a moment, but the random command is used just before then also, when determining where to spawn you in the map.

You may try setting the bot count to 0 (in the Host menu) and see, or try running your own dbpro program with the random command and see if it crashes. Be aware that I'm running the latest DBPro beta, 7.5b, so you'll get the same results.

The 'bloop' sound is probably the respawn sound, search the sounds folder for a file called 'teleport2.wav' and see if that's the same sound

If the random command is the problem, then I'll make my own random command and post an updated version of the game.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2009 11:54
The game works now that I changed the bots to 0, unfortunate really because I wanted some crazy action lol. Also, the movement (atleast on my comp) is really jerky ? Its running at 144fps and only the movement is jerky, nothing else? I dunno...

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Posted: 11th Dec 2009 20:50
Movement may be a bit jerky because the movement is time based, and I haven't quite got the hang of getting the jerkiness out yet. I tried smoothing out the movements with curve angle commands, but it made it harder to aim.

Go into the config.ini and change vsync to 1, save config, and see if that helps. Fps will probably be 60 fps then, unless your monitor's refresh rate is different.

I'll check the bot's setup routine and see if I can find what's causing the crash

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Posted: 11th Dec 2009 21:23
look's really good, downloaded it but couldn't play, crashed after loading level. Tried the 'no bot' thing and it worked though. Keep up the good work!

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Posted: 11th Dec 2009 21:28
Here's an attempt to debug the bot's setup routine. Throw this exe in the Phenom root folder and run.

When it crashes, look in the folder for a debug.txt.

If you start a match with no bots, you can open the chat mode with ~ or what ever key you set up for chatting, then type /bot then hit enter to generate a bot.

Phenom - MP FPS WIP - With bot support, even online!
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Posted: 13th Dec 2009 06:40
Tested on Win 7...

Run in administrator mode, and compatabilty mode for win xp service pack 2.

In addition, open the config.ini file and change the line



and save the config.ini

The weapons will look a bit different, but the game works, at least on my friends computer, and with bots, too!

Vista I still don't know about, but try the above settings and let me know.


Phenom - MP FPS WIP - With bot support, even online!
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Posted: 13th Dec 2009 11:03
It works on Vista. BTW, that has to be the most fun I have ever had on a DBP game XD I set up 35 bots and went around with the pulse chaingun killing masses of them lol

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Posted: 14th Dec 2009 00:56
Glad you had fun, stay tuned for more updates

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Posted: 14th Dec 2009 02:19
Great game, but I noticed a peculiar bug. Sometimes the explosion "bubble" from the rocket launcher don't go away and just float there for a substantial amount of time before going away. Other than that, it was awesome, especially the plasma nuke.

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Posted: 14th Dec 2009 07:19
LOL yeah I've noticed that explosion bubble a few times, looks like an orange, not sure what's causing it exactly.

Things also get left behind when you exit to the main menu after being in a game for awhile.

Also forgot to mention servers.txt

This is a little text file in Phenom's root where you can store your friend's name and IP address, so that when he starts a game, you don't have to specify the ip every time. For example, say you want to connect to your friend Bobby's server and his IP is You would open the servers.txt file, erase

No favorites yet

and enter

Bobby's server

Make sure that /servers is the last line, or the game will hang.

You can enter additional servers, but too many and the buttons on the join page will run off the screen.

I am also working on a game lobby, where you can see all the registered servers currently running Phenom. This will probably be in the next update.

Did you also notice that you get a point for blasting someone out of the map? Try playing dm-longest yard and hit the bots (or your friends) with a rocket while their spawn protection shield is still up hehehehe. Bots will completely ignore you while they or you still have spawn protection.

You can turn spawn protection off if you like, look in the config.ini for the line spawn protection=1 and change the 1 to a zero. Don't forget to save the file!

Enjoy the fragging!

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Posted: 16th Dec 2009 19:12 Edited at: 17th Dec 2009 00:00
It didn't work for me on vista until i did the instrution for win 7.

After doing that it was the most fun ever, however I setted it to 35 bots
and got 8 fps, so i used 10 instend and got 60fps and I played the bathroom map and I got so much vengance points I won. but my favourite feature is the text on top left hand corner. It made me laugh in a good way.

good job
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Posted: 12th Jan 2010 10:34
Well, this is a first for me...Phenom is now over 10,000 lines of DBPro code!

I'm working on an update with quite a few new features, here's a sneak peek:

- Players and Bots now drop weapons when fragged.

- Dropped weapons disappear after 30 seconds, or when more than 20 exist, the first one that was dropped is deleted.

- Voltrak Rifle added, including scope view (3 zoom settings) using alt fire. Primary fire is a red beam giving 150% damage.

- New graphical HUD added, using 3D planes instead of printed data, which increased the framerate dramatically.

- Increased framerate again by improving bot subroutine.

- New particle effects added, including gore.

- Added option to turn gore on/off via config.ini, on by default.

- Changed some sound effects.

- Changed some images for projectiles.

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Michael P
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Posted: 13th Jan 2010 03:32
Looks very good, what networking plugin did you use for this?

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Posted: 13th Jan 2010 06:49 Edited at: 13th Jan 2010 07:00
Hey Xeridox,

Just tested your game and tried to start a CTF game in the "Halls of Death". After the loading screen has been up for about 15-30 seconds I got a crash with the error message:

Runtime Error 118 - Array does not exist or array subscript out of bounds at line 923

Ok, I think I just figured out what's happening. The menu allows me to switch the game type and doesn't force me to switch maps. So I was trying to play a CTF game on a DM only map. When I tried to play a DM game on the CTF Starships map I got the same error, only this time the array out of bounds was at line 901. If I make sure that the map and game types coincide I don't seem to have any problems.

That's my best guess. I hope this helps, and I'm going to go enjoy your demo for a few hours . Awesome work by the way!



It seems Vista strikes again. On my XP machine I started a CTF game on the starships and the bots all spawned in at reasonable locations. Some of them seem to have spawned in walls or otherwise "outside" the world and died, but mostly they were ok. On Vista, every bot spawned in a wall and died. When they respawned they spawned in the walls again but this time simply drifted into the corners where they stayed stuck.

What I saw shows a lot of promise and I look forward to playing it soon! Unfortunately my XP box is slow and only gets about 4 FPS so I'll have to wait.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2010 07:51
Michael P, I use Tempest, which I don't think is supported anymore, but I really like it.

Pharoseer, yeah, I'm working on a simple fix for that ctf on a dm map problem, I noticed it just after I watched a friend of mine try the same thing. Bots are going to be recoded soon, but have already been optimized for the upcoming update (soon).

Vista and 7, you may have to open the config.ini and change wep_shaders to 0...the weapons don't look as good, but the game works.

Phenom - MP FPS WIP - With bot support, even online!
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The Goldorak
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Posted: 15th Jan 2010 23:16
@Xeridox :
Your FPS looks very good ! Action is fast, perhaps too much ...

But the only thing I found not finished is the animation of the soldiers troopers who runs and mess around...

Darkbasic is great !
Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 15th Jan 2010 23:41 Edited at: 15th Jan 2010 23:41
Video 2 is one of the best I have ever seen for DB Pro if it is DB Pro. Video 1 just makes me ask.. why a huge!

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Posted: 17th Jan 2010 05:46
The bathroom level was inspired by one of the Army Men games, where you're the size of a plastic army man toy. One of the levels was a bathroom, and I just thought that was really cool lol.

Bathroom maps have been made for other popular games also such as UT and Quake 3. I modeled that one after my bathroom at home, I even got the number of tiles on each wall right. The window came out a little off, and the mirror, lightswitch, and other small things are currently missing, but at first glance the level and actual bathroom look very close.

Bathroom on Phenom:

Real Bathroom:

Phenom - MP FPS WIP - With bot support, even online!
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Posted: 17th Jan 2010 13:00
tbh, the rendered bathroom looks better than the real one xD

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Posted: 17th Jan 2010 20:13
Lol Hasan, maybe I should just use DBPro to build my house then...Just need a Star Trek replicator and a 3rd party DLL to interface with it!

st_ReplicateObject "my_new_house.dbo"

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Southside Games
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Posted: 18th Jan 2010 16:29
first off. the game looks great. but...

10 seconds into the game (no matter how Meany bots there are. even zero) my frame rate goes down to 4-ish (starts at 175-ish) so whatever is happening, happens 10 seconds in. any chance you can fix this? I would love to play the game.

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